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Earning His Trust (Miracle Book 8) Page 10
Earning His Trust (Miracle Book 8) Read online
Page 10
From everything Iniko had told him about his father, he was more than a little surprised the man hadn’t tried to kill his own son. Anyone who could beat a woman every day for more than a decade surely wouldn’t stop at killing his son for something too many of their kind considered a sin.
The thought of his mate and how close he was to dying, nearly had Greyson pushing up from his chair and checking on Iniko, but that was when he felt it. It was as if all the oxygen was being sucked in by Jazz as he prepared to speak.
Greyson didn’t alter his position in any way, hoping to avoid spooking him. But his eyes did land on Jazz. There was fear, no, terror, along with a deep need that begged for help. It nearly broke Greyson’s heart that another person could crush someone as sweet as Jazz.
“Do you think it’s possible a person is so stupid and clumsy that it’s okay if someone hits them to try and knock some sense into him?” Jazz’s voice broke several times as he spoke, making his words shaky and hard to understand but Greyson heard every one of them.
It wasn’t an easy question to answer. Their world was a violent one. Their animal halves were ingrained in their very being and sometimes that wasn’t easy to contain. Too often shifters excused violence because of that when it should be stopped.
“I have lived a long time and seen too many horrific things people do to each other, but I’ve never once thought violence was a way to solve anything,” Greyson answered as honestly as he could.
Jazz’s eyes narrowed. “Not even to defend yourself?”
“If you’re asking have I ever been in a fight. The answer is yes. But I never used my strength to torment someone.” His gaze bore into Jazz’s so he could see just how serious Greyson was. “Nor have I ever made anyone feel they were less than me somehow. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and no one should be made to think they are somehow inferior to anyone else because of them.”
There were several more minutes of silence. It was as if Jazz were weighing the truth of Greyson’s statement. He could almost see Jazz rolling around the idea that he was somehow worthy and not the loser he’d been made to believe he was.
“What if I really am bad at everything?” Jazz whispered with his head lowered. His hands were on top of the blanket, twisting together until his fingers were white, as if everything hinged on this conversation.
In Greyson’s mind, everything did hinge on what he said next, for it was imperative he didn’t lose Jazz’s trust. “I think you need to decide who it is you should believe. This person, who has hurt you repeatedly, or those around you who depend on you for your work ethic and dedication to see things through.”
Furrowed lines appeared on Jazz’s forehead as he frowned. “Who said that?”
Greyson reached over to the table next to his chair to grab the file folder that was sitting there. He held it up to make sure he had Jazz’s full attention. “Iniko creates a file for everyone he sees. This is yours. When you were having difficulty figuring out anything you were interested in doing, he took the time to ask Zayden and a few of your coworkers to fill out evaluations about you.”
Jazz went deathly white. His fingers somehow managed to twist together even tighter. Greyson swore they would all snap if he continued but he opened the folder.
The top sheet was from one of his coworkers, Dash. “Jazz is always there to give a hand even if he was assigned to another task. He often stays late when others haven’t finished for the day and helps them to complete their assignment so they can go home. If it were up to me, I would choose Jazz on my team each and every day because I know the job will be done quickly and more importantly correctly every damn time.”
Those sad brown eyes went big and round as Jazz stared at the paper in Greyson’s hand as if were some mythical creature. “Wh-who wr-wrote that?” Jazz stammered as the sadness in his eyes started to be replaced with curiosity and wonder.
“Someone named Dash Levison,” Greyson read from the paper. He hadn’t met the man yet, but as soon as Jazz was safe, he was going to make it a point to get to know all of Jazz’s coworkers because they all had nice things to say about Jazz and he wanted to shake their hands in appreciation.
Then Greyson picked up Zayden’s. “Jazz has many great qualities. If I had to choose one, it would be his attention to detail. It is why I always put him on painting because he not only finds mistakes made by some of the crew, he fixes them instead of just painting over it and hoping no one notices. He takes pride in his work, something those moving into these homes will appreciate for years to come.”
There was a blush on Jazz’s face when Greyson was done, but it was the comical way his mouth was frozen in an ‘O’ and the way his eyes were nearly bugged out of his head that had Greyson smiling.
“That, as I’m sure you guessed, was from your boss, Zayden. He also says here he praises you daily for your work but you wave him off as if you didn’t hear him.” Greyson tilted his head but continued to stare at Jazz. “Why is that?”
The pink along Jazz’s neck and face turned bright red. “I…Uhm…I…”
Greyson had anticipated it, and was prepared to wait Jazz out as long as it took. Patience was something Greyson had in spades.
Fifteen minutes later, Jazz finally spoke. His voice was barely at a whisper but Greyson’s excellent hearing picked up every word. “Kingston Hughes. We camp fifteen miles east of where we’re building those new homes. Although…” Jazz looked down at his hands, which he’d thankfully stopped trying to twist into knots.
“What is it, Jazz?” Greyson asked.
There was the softest of sighs before Jazz answered. “He told me I was too useless and he wasn’t coming back. So, he probably isn’t there.”
“Do you know where he lived before you met?” It would be a challenge if this Kingston person lived in another pack. Their only advantage was the head of their council, Saber, lived in Miracle.
“No.” Jazz’s gaze turned watery as he tried to hold back the tears. “I’m an idiot for thinking he might have loved me, aren’t I?”
Greyson didn’t hesitate to get up and sit on the bed next to Jazz. He took one of the man’s smaller hands in his and gave it a squeeze. “No one is an idiot for wanting to take a chance on love. I’m sorry it didn’t work out this time, but that doesn’t mean it won’t in the future. By the glowing praise from your coworkers it is obvious you have a big heart, Jazz. Don’t ever be afraid to use it.”
He just hoped one day his own mate would be able to give him his heart completely.
“Please tell me you’re joking?” Iniko pinched the bridge of his nose and counted to ten as he listened to Elton’s inane discussion as to why Miracle could use a race car driver.
Finally, Iniko held up a hand to stop Elton from listing any more of his idiotic reasons. “Just stop.” He knew Elton was one of Greyson’s best friends, and he was most likely hazing Iniko but he’d had a rough day and he wasn’t in the fucking mood to hear how he would be able to cut supply runs in half the time of anyone else.
“You can’t be this stupid.” Shit. He really shouldn’t insult one of Greyson’s friends. “Fuck it,” he mumbled sure his mate would understand when he heard about Elton’s suggestion. “Never mind. If you think I’m going to suggest you become Miracle’s official race car driver, you’re insane. So, instead I will put you to work plowing fields for this year’s planting. That way, if you do snap, not only will I not be around for you to chop into little pieces with a machete, but the only thing around for miles for you to hack away at will be dirt.”
A bit over the top? Maybe. But then again, Iniko had a feeling when it came to Elton, over the top was how he lived.
Sure enough, to prove his point, Elton’s eyes brightened with excitement. “Plowing the fields? Will that mean I get to ride one of those big green tractors, like Jason Aldean sings about?” He actually made a fist and pumped his arm up and down, which made no sense since that was the
universal sign to get truck drivers to blare their horns, but whatever.
“Uh,” He had a feeling Saber, who owned the farm Iniko had originally been joking about sending Elton to, would kick his ass if Elton came anywhere near his precious farm. “Actually, we may have to think of another position for you. Maybe supply runs would be a good idea.” At least that way Elton wouldn’t be in town to do damage.
“Whoo hoo,” Elton shouted. “See, I told you I could be a race car driver.”
Fuck me.
Iniko put his hand to his throbbing head. He never got headaches, but he was sure he was getting one now. Was it possible he had an aneurysm?
A deep chuckle from behind him settled over Iniko like a warm, comfortable blanket before sinking into the marrow of his bones. Greyson. God, he loved that man.
Iniko froze. Was it possible he really did love his mate? He’d feared that would never be something he could give this amazing man who had managed to find a way past all of Iniko’s fears.
The moment Greyson’s strong arms wrapped around so his chest was against Iniko’s back, it was as if all that was wrong in the world was suddenly right. “You know Elton can’t ever be taken seriously, right?”
Iniko shivered at the warmth of Greyson’s breath against his ear. There was no place he’d rather be. Unable to contain his happiness, he turned in Greyson’s arms, completely ignoring the fact that Elton was there. “I love you,” he blurted out, which was fitting as he tended to do that with most things on his mind.
Greyson’s soft smile grew until the man was practically beaming. “I love you, sweetness.”
The moment their lips touched, Iniko felt something click into place. He was home.
“You know, as gag-worthy as this moment is, I believe this is supposed to be my time with Iniko to find me a job that I not only will excel at, but enjoy. We were just discussing the possibility of my becoming a race car driver so if you wouldn’t mind leaving, Greyson, we can get back to it.” Elton was waving his hand in a shooing motion to his friend.
The pure look of horror on Greyson’s face had Iniko curious. “Oh, hell no,” Greyson more or less yelled. “There is no way you are getting behind the wheel of any vehicle again.”
Okay, now Iniko had to know what was going on. “Why not?” He narrowed his eyes at Elton. “Was there something you didn’t tell me?”
Elton whistled and glanced around as if trying to distract Iniko from the topic at hand. “You know. I really love what you’ve done with this… uhm… tent?” Elton cocked his head. “Is it a tent if there are only three sides?”
Greyson laughed. “Good try Elton, but I know all your secrets.”
Elton placed his hands on his hips and glared at his friend. “Shut up, traitor. I’m trying to work with Iniko to find a career. If you’re not going to help, you need to leave.”
“No one’s going anywhere until I have some answers.” Iniko glanced from Greyson to Elton, who was once more glancing around the area as if a small table with papers and a laptop were the most interesting things in the world. “Now, someone better start talking.” When neither did, Iniko used his best commanding voice. “Now.”
It took several more minutes of him staring hard at Elton for the man to give a long suffering sigh. “Fine. I had a small accident that resulted in a tiny bit of damage and had my license revoked.”
Greyson nearly choked on his laughter. “Small? Tiny?” Greyson managed to spit out. “Are you fricking kidding me? You ran a delivery truck through a mall. The entire entryway was obliterated along with six of those kiosks in the walkways.”
Greyson was becoming more animated with his arms as he continued the story as if somehow he could make it seem more real than with just words. “Instead of hitting the brakes, like a normal person, you slammed down on the accelerator and ended up creating a new hole on the other side of the mall, which caused structural damage to that entire side. They had to evacuate the entire second story because they were afraid it would collapse.”
“Damn,” Iniko breathed out. “You call that a tiny bit of damage?”
“I’m still not sure how no one died, but you put twenty people in the hospital with six broken legs, four dislocated shoulders, eight broken arms and two with concussions,” Greyson added for good measure.
Elton scowled at his friend and waved off his words as if that would make everything better. “Please, you’re exaggerating. I mean, no one even likes those stupid kiosks in the middle of the mall, so I was doing them a favor. As for the entryway, it was outdated and belonged in the dark ages. It needed to be redone anyway.” His eyes lit up as he took out his phone.
With just a few swipes, Elton turned the phone to the pictures of the new and improved mall entrance. “Isn’t that beautiful? Unfortunately, I don’t have the before pictures but trust me, this is so much better.”
“Yeah. Uhm. I think we’ll find you something that doesn’t involve a vehicle.” Iniko put a notation in Elton’s file in bright red about no driving under any circumstances.
“Hey, not fair,” Elton said, indignantly. “It was one time. I deserve a second chance.”
He had a point. That was until Greyson said, “Really? Because I believe that had been your fourth accident in as many months.”
Yep. No driving for Elton.
“Don’t worry,” Iniko assured him. “We’ll find you something.”
Elton grumbled about no one giving him a chance to prove himself as he walked away. Iniko actually felt a little sorry for him. Not sorry enough to let him drive again, but still, it was obvious Elton had a lot of enthusiasm for whatever he did. They would just need to find something that would channel his energy.
“Did you mean it?” Greyson whispered into Iniko’s ear from right behind him.
He knew exactly what his mate was asking but decided to make him sweat a bit. He turned around to face Greyson and nodded emphatically. “Definitely.” A huge smile appeared on Greyson’s face until Iniko added, “There’s no way I’ll ever let Elton drive.”
A scowl replaced that big beautiful smile. “That wasn’t what I meant.”
Iniko reached up and wrapped his arms around his mate’s neck. “Oh?” he teased. “Then what did you mean?”
Greyson gave a little growl of displeasure but the light in his eyes belied that he was actually upset. “You know what I want to know, sweetness.”
Iniko did. And now that he’d said it, it seemed silly that he’d waited so long in the first place. Greyson was everything Iniko could ever imagine in a mate. Loving, kind, generous, but most of all, he always let Iniko know he was the center of Greyson’s world.
“I love you,” he said loudly so there was no mistaking his words. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he repeated over and over before Greyson stopped him by sealing their lips together.
It wasn’t something Iniko had ever thought he’d get the chance to have, but Greyson not only made it possible, he was the very reason Iniko knew what the word really meant.
“Fuck, that feels good, sweetness.” Greyson had to admit, he loved it when Iniko woke him up with a blow job. It made mornings that much nicer.
He flipped back the blanket to stare down into those amber flecks that were glowing with pleasure. There was something else in Iniko’s eyes. Was he nervous?
That’s when he felt it, the slick tip of Iniko’s finger against his entrance. Greyson had told Iniko a while ago that he was willing to bottom, but Iniko had never taken him up on it. Apparently, his sweet little mouse was ready to give it a try.
“Do you want to fuck me, sweetness?” Greyson’s voice was husky both from just waking up and the need that now burned within him to feel his mate inside of him.
Iniko nodded without taking his mouth off Greyson’s cock. He looked so pretty with his mouth stretched wide, while the amber flecks in his eyes appeared to catch fire as he pushed his finger into Greyson in one smooth motion.
Never having had anything in his ass, Greyson couldn’t help but hiss at the burn one small finger could cause. Not that it dampened the lust coursing through him in the slightest. If anything, his dick was throbbing harder as Iniko continued to bob up and down with the most delicious suction. His mate had the ability to drive Greyson mad with his mouth.
He was just starting to enjoy Iniko’s finger when a second joined the first. “Damn,” he groaned out doing his best not to tense up. Had he known how uncomfortable this could be, he might not have agreed.
Who was he kidding? When it came to his mate, Greyson would do anything for him. Iniko deserved to have everything he wanted in life. The man was selfless to a fault.
It was why they were still sleeping in the cramped back room of the store instead of applying for one of the apartments that had finally been completed a week ago. Iniko refused to put their name in, claiming too many were sleeping on the hard ground, in tents. They at least had a roof over their heads and a bathroom nearby.
Sure, the room was cramped, but they’d managed to get an actual mattress set up instead of that horrible cot. It was only a single mattress, but Greyson didn’t mind. He preferred to sleep curled around his mate anyway, so they didn’t need a lot of room.
When Iniko started to slip a third finger into Grayson, he had to bite back a yelp. Thank God for his mate’s mouth on his dick, Greyson was sure it would be as limp as a wet noodle right about then.
Iniko pulled his head back and came off Greyson’s cock with a pop. “Are you sure you’re okay with this, because we don’t have to…”
Greyson placed a finger over Iniko’s swollen lips. “Stop. I want this, more than you know.” It was true. Okay, sure, at the moment, Greyson couldn’t deny being tempted to tap out, but no way was he going to after it had taken Iniko so long to get up the courage. “I love you and I want to feel you inside of me. That doesn’t mean it’s not uncomfortable. I’ve never had anyone inside of me, remember? Just go slow.”