The End of Darkness (Druid's Curse Book 1) Page 12
It rushed Ryley, roaring its rage. With little options left to him, Ryley dove to the right. He nearly grinned when he’d managed to do as Eirik had trained him and rolled right up onto his feet as if he were in some sort of alternate reality kung-fu movie.
Even better, he had rolled right over a gun. Too bad he hadn’t been skilled enough to grab it and start shooting as he come up, but now that he knew it was there, Ryley wasted no time crouching down to get it. He didn’t bother to stand, as kneeling allowed him to steady his hold as he aimed and fired.
Wincing when the first bullet went low and blew off one of the creature’s… toes? Ryley really couldn’t be sure as the light from the fire wasn’t enough to make it out. The thing howled. This time Ryley didn’t freeze as he took aim at one of the boar-like creatures that was charging toward him.
He’d nearly dropped the gun to celebrate when the bullet hit it right between the eyes and he dropped to the ground with a twitch before going completely still. The other boar-monster roared and grunted as he started to charge Ryley.
He shot again, but this time the creature had been smart enough to veer so the bulled passed him. Ryley fired once more. This time he didn’t miss, but he also didn’t kill the thing. If anything, he’d only pissed it off even more as the ground thundered beneath its heavy form.
Before he could get off another round, that hard body crashed into him, knocking Ryley hard enough to send him flying through the air. A whoosh of air rushed out of his lungs as he slammed back down.
The ground shook again, alerting Ryley the beast was charging him once again, but he wasn’t sure he could move as every nerve ending in his body screamed in agony. Too slowly, Ryley was able to lift his body into a sitting position.
His hand landed on cold steel as he unsuccessfully tried to stand. Knowing it was now or never, Ryley gripped the metal, not caring that the blade cut into his flesh as he picked it up.
Just as the boar-like creature slashed its claws at Ryley, he shoved the blade of the knife into the side of its neck. Blood spurted from the wound, but his sharp talons still came down. Its body shifted as it fell from weakness, which is the only thing that saved Ryley’s life as those sharp claws tore through Ryley’s flesh along his side.
Pain seared through him, leaving him breathless even as Ryley willed himself to get up. His side burned as he struggled to his feet. He had just managed to get to his knees when his gaze landed on Meghan.
The beast with the bad breath hovered over her. Its claws were out as it raised its arm to strike her. Fury rolled through Ryley, pulling at the energy of the earth until it fused into every cell of his body. He screamed in outrage, causing the creature to look his way.
That was all the time Ryley needed to save his sister as an inferno surged from his hands, blanketing the earth in its wrath as it consumed all within its path. It only took a heartbeat for the flames to reach the Unseelie minion, less for it to consume it to nothing but ash.
Gritting his teeth, Ryley forced himself to his feet, determined to get to Meghan. His gaze took in the scorched ground. Nothing had survived the fire’s onslaught. There was only ash left as he fought to put one foot in front of another.
His vision swam as he sank down to his knees at his sister’s side. Her chest rose and fell. She was alive. Unable to keep going, Ryley fell onto his side, not even the pain of his wound enough to make him moan as he lay there thanking god he hadn’t killed his own sister.
Arms went around his back and under his legs, lifting him into the air. Ryley tensed, afraid he was about to die, since there was no strength left in him to fight any longer.
“Shhh,” Eirik’s deep voice was like a gift from god. “I’ve got you, kitten. You’re safe now.”
He knew Eirik would never lie to him. Relaxing against his lover’s hard body, Ryley let blackness take him, secure in the knowledge that Eirik would protect him.
“He needs a doctor,” Meghan cried out.
Eirik understood she was upset about seeing Ryley bleeding all over the place, but he would love nothing more than to put duct tape across her mouth to keep her quiet. “Please, keep your voice down. Ryley needs sleep if he’s going to heal.”
Although, if he were being truly honest with her, the last thing Ryley needed to deal with was his hysterical sister. Then again, if he woke up, she might not be quite so dramatic. It didn’t help the situation that Eirik’s emotions were all over the place.
He’d promised to keep Ryley safe and he failed. If Eirik didn’t get Ryley’s wound stitched up quickly, he might lose the man he loved forever. Watching Ryley being struck down had enraged Eirik. From one heartbeat to the next he’d shifted from his human form into a massive wolf that dwarfed the Unseelie’s pets.
Never before had Eirik managed to shift into anything remotely as large, or deadly. The wolf had attacked with a viciousness that tore through the beasts that were attacking them. It wasn’t until they were all dead and he was standing next to Ryley that Eirik was able to control that part of him and shift back into his human form.
As hard as it was to admit, Eirik wasn’t entirely sure he had restrained his animal side so much as it gave up its dominance so Eirik could help Ryley. Even now, his animal side wanted to come out and growl at Meghan for daring to distract him from sewing up Ryley’s side.
Only because he knew Ryley would kill him for threatening Meghan when she was so scared was Eirik able to hold back. “As I already told you, I can’t take him to hospital. How would we explain what happened?”
“So what?” she bit out but at least she kept her voice lower.
Eirik took a breath and let it out slowly, doing his best to keep calm as he put in the last two stitches. It wasn’t perfect, but it would do until they could get back home. Hopefully, Brandr, who had gone to med school, even if it was a long time ago, would be home and able to do a better job.
When he finished, Eirik started to quickly clean up the motel room he’d rented so he would have somewhere to care for Ryley. Well, and Meghan, since she’d still been out cold when he’d pulled into the hotel.
“They would have to call the cops, and I don’t know about you, but I’d rather no one know about what Ryley can do, or, for that matter, that I’m immortal.” He shuddered just thinking about what they’d do to him in the name of science. “It would only make things worse.”
Once he had the room picked up, he checked the stitches, pleased that there was only a small amount of blood leaking through. Placing a bandage over his handiwork, he handed the garbage bag to Meghan, along with his med kit. Then he carefully picked Ryley up and gestured for his sister to open the door.
“What?” she asked incredulously. “Where are we going if not to a hospital?”
Eirik prayed for his normal patience to return. “Home. Brandr is a doctor and this place isn’t exactly safe.”
Meghan’s pale blue eyes grew large. “What do you mean it’s not safe? I thought you said you killed all those…” she couldn’t seem to bring herself to say the word.
Not seeing any point in forcing her, Eirik gently said, “I did. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t more out there looking for us.”
That was all it took for Meghan to whip open the door, rush to the car, and open the back door so Eirik could lie Ryley down and strap him in. It wasn’t ideal, but hopefully it would keep him from rolling around as Eirik drove along the winding roads.
When Meghan climbed into the back with her brother, propping his feet on her lap, Eirik had to grind his teeth to stop from growling at her. It was Meghan’s fault that Eirik had to be the one to drive them home. Eirik hated that he wasn’t the one able to take care of Ryley but at least someone would be watching over him.
The drive seemed to last forever. Not being able to hold Ryley, to assure himself his lover was okay, had nearly driven Eirik out of his mind. If it wasn’t for the fact that he wanted to get Ryley to the relative safety of
their home, he would have been stopping every fifteen minutes just so he could touch him and feel his heartbeat beneath his hand.
The moment they’d returned home, Eirik had put Ryley to bed, made sure the house was still secure, then climbed in behind his lover and just held him. He didn’t even care that Meghan was lying next to them. In a way, it had helped, for he didn’t want to disappoint Ryley by not keeping an eye on Meghan.
“Why won’t he wake up?” Meghan whispered as the sun started to rise over the mountains.
Eirik had avoided that question last night by telling her that Ryley had exhausted himself and just needed to sleep. But now that he slept for more than twelve hours, he didn’t think that lie would continue to hold water.
“Hey,” Ulf stuck his head in the room. His brother had returned a few hours earlier and promised to keep an eye out for Brandr. “Brandr just came in. He wants you to take Ryley to the med room.”
Eirik slid off the bed and lifted Ryley into his arms. In one of the downstairs rooms on the other side of the house they’d put in medical equipment after some of the druids had started living there. As immortals, Eirik and his friends didn’t have to worry about injuries, for they healed relatively quickly. But that wasn’t true for the druids.
They might be able to wield some magic, but with the exception of a few, they didn’t necessarily know how to heal themselves. Their bodies were just as frail as any other human. It was why they’d sent Brandr, who’d been the only one interested in medicine, to medical school.
As carefully as he could while still rushing, Eirik carried Ryley to the med room. He heaved a sigh of relief to see Brandr. Even though Ulf had assured him he was there, when it came to Ryley, he needed to see the man with his own eyes before he’d allow himself to breathe easier.
Not that Brandr was a guarantee Ryley would be okay, but he had a better chance. “Brandr,” Eirik greeted as he laid Ryley on the gurney. “What do you need me to do?”
“Start by telling me what happened,” Brandr answered as he started checking all of Ryley’s vitals.
Eirik had just finished telling him about stopping at the motel to stitch him when the sweetest sound he’d ever known reached his ears. Ryley moaned. Eirik’s gaze instantly went to his lover’s too pale face and he nearly sank to his knees in relief as Ryley’s eyelids fluttered open.
“What?” He licked his lips as if trying to get moisture into his mouth.
Brandr handed him a cup of water with a straw sticking out of it. Eirik held the straw to Ryley’s mouth. “Just take a small sip, kitten. Then I’ll answer any questions you have.”
“Is he awake?” Meghan came in, her eyes bright with tears. When she saw him, Meghan ran to his side and hugged him as sobs shook her small body. “I thought you were going to die. There was just so much blood.”
Ryley winced. Unable to stop himself from protecting his lover, Eirik pulled Meghan off. “I know you’re happy he’s alive, but he’s still weak. Let Brandr examine his wound and maybe give him some pain medication before you try hugging him again.”
Meekly she nodded but refused to leave. In the end, it was Hrafn who was able to get her to follow him to the kitchen with the intent of making Ryley something to eat.
“Overall, I would say you did well stitching him up,” Brandr told Eirik. “He’ll have a decent scar, but otherwise, I’d say it will heal, assuming there’s no infection.” He held up his hand to stop Eirik from saying anything. “Which we will keep a close eye on. Since he did lose a lot of blood, I’m going to give him a unit and see if that helps.”
A couple of days after Ryley and Meghan arrived, Brandr had tested their blood and was able to get a few units to match their type. It wasn’t easy, especially in this modern world. In the end it helped that they knew a Fae, who could cast illusions on the human mind to allow Brandr to go in and take what he needed.
As Brandr hooked up the IV, Eirik leaned down and kissed Ryley. He kept it gentle, even though he wanted to dive into Ryley and prove to them both he was still alive.
“I love you, too,” Ryley whispered when Eirik pressed his forehead to Ryley’s. “Thank you for keeping Meghan safe when I couldn’t.”
Tears stung Eirik’s eyes as he breathed the man in. “I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to do the same for you, kitten.”
“You did,” Ryley countered. “I might be a little banged up, but I’m alive, which I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for you.”
Eirik desperately wanted to believe that, but he knew the truth. He’d failed in protecting the only person in the world he cared about. That was something he wouldn’t allow to happen again. “I love you,” he whispered as Ryley’s eyes closed now that the pain medicine had taken effect.
“He should sleep for a few hours,” Brandr told him. “Once this bag is in him, you can take him back to his room if you want.”
Eirik nodded, too afraid he’d break down in front of Brandr if he tried to speak. The others would have left him at that point, but not Brandr. The man had a way of getting to the heart of the matter.
“He’s right, you know.” Brandr said. Eirik glanced at him, unsure what he meant. “He’s alive because of you. We all know we can’t save everyone. I also have no doubt that you killed more Unseelie pets yesterday than the rest of us combined to save Ryley. Guilt won’t help him heal.”
Brandr placed a hand on Eirik’s arm. “If what Bjorn told us about this curse is right, the Unseelies, and probably even the Seelies, will come after us even harder in the months to come. It won’t be easy, but you might want to face the facts now.”
Brandr flicked his gaze to Ryley. “These druids that we are to love will get hurt. There’s no way we’re going to be able to stop it. So, take the win that he’s still alive. Be happy that at the end of the day, you’ll still get to hold him in your arms.”
Eirik heard Brandr leave the room, but he never stopped looking at the man who had become his whole world. Eirik was grateful that Ryley was alive. And Brandr was right that he was lucky to be able to hold this amazing man in his arms.
That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t do better in the future. Now that he knew what his love for Ryley could do when he shifted, Eirik would destroy the enemy for daring to come near his kitten.
It had been three days and Eirik still wouldn’t let Ryley out of bed. Even when he needed to use the bathroom, Eirik insisted on carrying him. At least he’d had the decency to leave Ryley to do his business in private. But the moment he flushed, Eirik was back to carry him to the sink, then back to that god-awful bed. He was going stir-crazy.
It wouldn’t be so bad, as Eirik stayed right there by his side, but the man refused to allow anything more than kissing. That only made things ten times worse. Having a nearly naked Eirik lying next to him with those strong arms holding him and his sexy body pressed against him caused Ryley’s cock to be hard as a rock all the damn time.
How Eirik thought this would be relaxing, he wasn’t sure. Okay, so that first day, it was perfect. He’d been in a lot of pain and weak from the blood loss. Even when Eirik kissed him or his hands caressed down along his skin as if he were petting Ryley, his dick didn’t do anything more than twitch in interest.
But now? After three full days? Ryley was sure it wouldn’t take more than a stroke or two and he would be coming like old faithful.
“What’s wrong?” Eirik whispered in his ear. “Are you in pain?”
Ryley gave him his best glare. “Yes, I am.”
Those green eyes filled with a mix of concern and fear. It was that last part that made Ryley feel like shit for worrying Eirik needlessly. “What’s wrong? Should I call Brandr?”
Rolling his eyes, Ryley shook his head at Eirik’s overprotectiveness. “Not unless you plan on having him give me a blow job.”
He hadn’t even thought about what he was saying until Eirik growled low in his throat. Placing his hand against Eirik’s chest, Ryley quickly said, “That didn’t com
e out right. What I mean is, my dick is as hard as a rock and I’m horny as hell.”
He pressed his lips to Eirik’s in a hard, demanding kiss, not pulling back until they were both gasping for breath. “Nothing is going to make me feel better, unless it’s your cock in my ass.”
“But…” Eirik started but Ryley cut him off.
“No buts. In case you missed it, I’m the one who is hurt, so I’m the one who gets to say when I feel well enough to have sex.” He could see the determined glint in Eirik’s eyes, so Ryley quickly changed tactics. “I almost died,” he blurted out. He wrapped one arms around Eirik’s neck as the man hovered above him. “Please,” he whispered. “I need you to remind me that I’m still alive.”
Eirik let out a groan of defeat as he leaned down and took Ryley’s mouth with his. Eirik’s soft velvety tongue came out to lick along the seam of Ryley’s lips, causing him to open them in a silent invitation. His lover took him up on his offer, delving inside to map out the contours of his mouth.
Calloused hands caressed his cheek, down his neck, to his nipples. Ryley couldn’t help but arch up into the seductive touch. Nor could he stop the hiss of pain as he did so.
Eirik instantly stopped what he was doing and started to roll away from Ryley. Reaching out, Ryley held onto Eirik, holding him in place. Not that he had the strength. Most likely Eirik didn’t want him to hurt him anymore, so, he remained where he was.
“Please don’t stop. When it hurts, I’ll tell you and we’ll change positions so it doesn’t, but I need you.” Ryley had no idea why, as he’d never felt this way about anyone in his life, yet it was true. There was a huge part of him that craved for Eirik to fill him in the most intimate way possible. “Please.”
Regret was in those green eyes as Eirik said, “It would kill me to hurt you.”
Moving one of his hands up to cup Eirik’s cheek, Ryley drew him down for a sweet kiss. “You’re hurting me more by denying me what I need. And, love, I need you. I need to be connected to you on every level. It’s like an ache within my soul.”