Red, White & Blue (Uncorked Book 6) Page 5
He frowned at the way his ‘scarf’ was so balled up, it looked more like a cat toy than something to be worn. “But I think I’m going to have to find another way to help.”
“That was my point,” Rita said. “I didn’t just throw my line in the lake and come back with fish. In fact, the first time we went out there, I first dropped my rod in the lake. Then when I tried to reach out before it sank, I ended up tipping the boat.”
She giggled while she shook her head at the memory. “My husband was so mad, not even the freezing cold lake could stop his face from going beat red in anger. But he never yelled, which considering the unexpected dunking in the lake caused him to lose his own rod, his most prized possession, he had reason to. Yet he kept his cool as he got us both into the boat and back to shore.”
She nodded toward Lowen’s knitting. “No matter how much I screwed up every time he took me out on that damn boat, my husband never gave up teaching me to fish.”
“And you mentioned it took you five years to learn?” Blue asked. “Good for you, for sticking with it.”
The other three women laughed, while Rita shook her head. “Oh, I didn’t learn to fish.”
Confused, Lowen was sure these women must have stopped at Get Your Shine On for a few too many tastings before coming there. “But you said if I stuck with it, I’d learn to knit, just like you learned to fish.”
Rita patted Lowen’s shoulder. “You misunderstood. I said I never gave up, but it wasn’t to fish, it was not to fish. Admittedly, I feared my husband would out-stubborn me, but in the end, I won. After sinking two boats, ten fishing poles, snapping another twenty fishing poles, and making so much noise screaming every time he managed to catch a fish, which scared the others away, he finally decided we needed to have our separate hobbies.”
Lowen couldn’t help but chuckle. “Is that why you decided to knit?”
When Rita shook her head, he had to admit to being surprised. But it was Stella who raised her hand as her cheeks pinked. “That would be me. My dear, sweet Ralph retired last year and started fishing more. He’s insisted I go with him. Up until now, I’ve managed to put him off, but he refused to accept no for an answer the first three days of our trip.” She gave a shudder.
“That is when we decided it was time to put this fishing nonsense to rest with our husbands,” Dinah said. “They all love it.”
“We hate it,” Gladys stated baldly. “So we figured if we came up with our own hobby, we’d have a reason to stay home.”
“And if they still insisted,” Stella said. “We’d insist they share in our hobby.” She held up her own knitting, which wasn’t quite as advanced as Rita’s, but still better than Lowen’s. Then again, he wasn’t sure anyone could be worse.
“The point is,” Rita finished. “With enough determination, you can do anything. You just need to keep trying.”
“She’s right.” Blue smiled at Lowen. “Plus, you have someone willing to work with you anytime day or night until you get the hang of it.”
Lowen’s dick twitched when Blue’s voice grew huskier at the mention of night. “Well, I’ve always been one who was willing to work very hard on my goals. If I had to do it all night, I’m more than up for it.”
Dinah cleared her throat. “If you two need some time in the back to discuss things, we’re more than happy to stay right here and keep an eye on the store.”
Damn if Blue’s face didn’t bloom a bright red at her suggestive tone. He also saw Blue sigh in relief when the door opened to admit a stream of residents. “As sweet as that is, my next class is here.”
“Oh, dear,” Rita said. “We should get out of your way.”
Blue waved her off. “No need. There’s plenty of room for everyone. I’ll just need a little time to hand out the new pattern and answer any questions they might have.”
“Actually, as much as we’d like to stay,” Gladys said, “we’re going to a moonshine tour with our husbands and we don’t want to be late, or they’re likely to go without us.”
Lowen chuckled. “Not to worry. If they do, I’ll call Shine and tell him not to start without you.”
Rita cocked her head. “Shine?”
Blue had his lips curled in as if trying not to laugh. “Yeah, you know…” There went that sweet pink rising up along Blue’s neck and into his cheeks. “He was the one talking about, well… um…”
When Blue couldn’t say it, Lowen decided to see if he could make Blue blush even harder. “His husband riding his cock when you walked in.”
All four women burst out laughing, but he had no idea if he’d embarrassed any of them, for his entire focus was on the way that light pink along Blue’s face darkened incrementally until he practically glowed.
“Ye-yeah,” he sputtered. “Him.” Lowen didn’t miss how quickly Blue changed the subject when the others, who Lowen hadn’t spoken loud enough to hear him, turned toward them in curiosity. “Would you ladies like to pick out some more yarn to take with you? Maybe a few patterns, too?”
Rita, who had to be the most laid back of the four, patted Blue’s shoulder. “Don’t worry honey, we’re just as mischievous when it’s only the four of us. But yes, we’ll pick out a few more colors.” She indicated to her friends. “Come on ladies, it’s time to load up so this young man can get to his next class.”
Fifteen minutes later, with promises to keep in touch and return any time they come back to the area, the four women left with enough yarn to knit enough sweaters for an army. Lowen had helped them to their car while Blue started the next class.
While out, he decided to stop in at Get Your Shine On and warn Montague about the four couples headed to the distillery. When Lowen had mentioned what happened when the four ladies had arrived at The Cozy Knit, Montague only laughed. Well, he also adjusted himself as if remembering that interlude was enough to get him hard.
It left him with lots of ideas when it came to having sex with Blue. He wasn’t sure Blue would agree to being intimate on their first date, but just in case, he checked to make sure the condom in his wallet was still good. It was, but he didn’t have his single use lube packet.
Damn it.
Refusing to take any chances in not being completely prepared, he headed to the pharmacy that was a few stores away from the main square. After purchasing what he needed, which included another box of condoms, no point in running out any time soon since he hoped, once they took their relationship to that level, to have as much sex with Blue as possible, Lowen headed to his car.
Making sure to place two of the single lubes in his back pocket as well as another condom, he put the small bag in his car and headed back to The Cozy Knit. When he opened the door, dark blue eyes filled with panic stared at him.
It only lasted a few brief seconds, before Blue let out what appeared to be a relieved breath and gave him a shaky smile.
Lowen had been gone for quite a while. Blue must have thought he wasn’t coming back. The need to reassure him was all Lowen could think about as he walked through the small group of knitters and went right up to Blue. “Sorry I was gone so long. I should have texted you that I was going to run an errand or two.”
The moment he saw the turquoise returned to those pretty eyes, Lowen swore he would never leave Blue doubting him again. If that meant texting him every few minutes, he would gladly do it.
Leaning in, not caring there was a roomful of people all staring at them with unabashed interest, Lowen kissed Blue. He hated that their first real kiss was in front of so many people they both knew, but he still felt the need to reassure Blue that he wasn’t going anywhere. If that meant making a public declaration of kissing in front of witnesses, so be it.
It wasn’t like Lowen was against public displays of affection, he had just hoped their first kiss would be more… intimate. The thing was, even with all eyes on them, the moment his lips touched Blue’s it was as if they were transported to a world of their own.
Soft and pliable,
Blue’s mouth molded to his perfectly. He could taste coffee as well as something slightly spicy. Someone must have brought in food or Blue had a stash of snacks somewhere. But beneath all that, was all Blue, and damn if Lowen wasn’t already addicted with just one sample.
He lifted his hand to Blue’s jaw and pressed with his thumb to encourage him to open up. Despite the clapping and catcalls, Blue did exactly as Lowen wanted, allowing him to dive in deeper. His cock leapt in joy at the knowledge that Blue was right there in the moment with him instead of acknowledging the others in the room.
As much as Lowen would have loved to kiss Blue for the rest of the day, Lowen slowly pulled back. That was when Blue must have realized their audience was cheering them on, for his cheeks blazed bright enough Lowen feared they might catch fire.
But damn, was it a good look on him. Holding him close for an extra moment, Lowen whispered for only Blue’s ears, “Promise me, when we’re alone, I’ll get to see just how far that blush extends.”
Lowen chuckled when Blue let out a squeak of surprise. He was going to enjoy making love to this man. If he was lucky, it just might be for the rest of their lives.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Blue lied as he sat across the table from Lowen. They had ended up going to dinner at The Cure All. It was a bar and grill on the square close to Blue’s store.
Nothing fancy. But since Blue didn’t like fancy, that was fine with him. He didn’t eat out a lot to begin with and he never understood the need to spend a lot of money on a meal. It was food. He’d rather use his money to buy a house or a car. Neither of which he could afford at the moment, although he was almost to his goal for the house.
“Please,” Lowen rolled his eyes at Blue. “We both know my knitting skills suck.” Then Lowen wiped his hand on his napkin and reached across the table to squeeze Blue’s. “But I appreciate you trying to make me feel better about it.”
God but he loved the way Lowen touched him. Like it was perfectly acceptable for the world to see them together. The more time he spent with Lowen, the more Blue realized his mistake in choosing men.
His goal had always been to choose someone who didn’t want to be the center of attention. Unfortunately, that tended to mean they also didn’t want to show any kind of emotion. Like, ever. He understood when they were in public. Although, if Blue were honest, he wanted someone to show the world he was with Blue as more than just a friend.
Still, he could have lived without the public stuff, but it often wasn’t much different when they were alone. It was as if he chose emotionally shut down men to date. Well, until Lowen.
Lowen was the complete opposite. Except not. Blue had assumed, wrongly by the way, that if someone had different colored hair and a multitude of tattoos, he must want to be noticed. But that wasn’t Lowen.
At least not the version Blue was getting to know. The hair, the tattoos, even the dyed shoes were about who he was, not looking for others to notice him. When he realized how wrong he’d been about those who were just being themselves Blue felt a little ashamed for being so judgmental. He wondered if it was possible his mother was like that. That all this time, he’d gotten it wrong when it came to her.
Not ready to delve into that can of worms, Blue concentrated on the man who was opening his eyes to the world around him. His gaze fell on their linked fingers, his heart beating a little faster as he realized this was something he could get used to. Well, that and that kiss Lowen had given him in his store.
The cheering he could have done without, but when Lowen had placed his lips on his, Blue couldn’t have cared less who was watching. All he knew was he never wanted that moment to end. Based on the way Lowen had reluctantly pulled away, Blue was fairly sure he’d felt the same way.
“I promise,” Blue reassured Lowen. “I’ve seen worse.” That wasn’t exactly a lie. Sure, Lowen’s attempt to knit had been pretty bad, but at least he hadn’t gone to the hospital.
Lowen tilted his head back and laughed. “I beg to differ,” he said as he held up his thumbs, which both had several red wounds where he’d poked himself with the needle. “And I have another three holes in my thigh, which I’ll spare everyone having to see me in my skivvies to show you.”
Blue wouldn’t mind seeing that, but as they were in a restaurant it wouldn’t be a good idea. “Okay,” Blue admitted. “It wasn’t great, but I promise you, I’ve had worse.”
Lowen’s cinnamon eyes were dancing with laughter as he stared at Blue, challenging him. “Prove it.”
Blue smirked, knowing he would win this one. “I shouldn’t tell you this, since that person still lives here, but three years ago, a newbie, who only came in because his wife forced him to come with her, stabbed himself in the balls.”
Lowen’s other hand went under the table, most likely to protect his own balls as if talking about it might cause them to be stabbed. “Oh, fuck,” he cried out. “Was he okay?”
Cringing at the memory of that night, Blue shook his head. “Not exactly. We had to call an ambulance. He had to undergo surgery and ended up losing one ball.”
Poor Lowen looked horrified. “Did he ever try to knit again?”
“Actually, he’s one of my best students. He even makes little hats for the NICU at the children’s hospital in Atlanta.” Blue had been stunned when Garth had returned to class two months later. “He claimed he wasn’t about to let a fucking needle destroy his marriage.”
“Wait.” Lowen squeezed Blue’s hand a little tighter. “His wife was going to leave him after all that?”
“Nah.” Blue finished chewing the fry he’d popped in his mouth. “Before the incident, they’d been having problems after their kids had moved away for their jobs. Edith had threatened divorce when Garth spent all his time either hunting or golfing. When she moved into a friend’s for a few days, he’d agreed to go with her to knitting class.”
It was really a sweet story in the end. Proof that if one puts in the effort, a relationship can be saved if both people involved are willing to try. “She never would have asked him to go back after that, but Garth refused to let their relationship get to the point where she moved out again.”
Blue lifted a shoulder. “So, he came back.” He grinned. “Although, he wore a cup until he felt he was good enough he wouldn’t stab himself again.”
Lowen laughed deeply, the sound sinking into Blue and settling in his balls, causing them roll in their sack. Apparently, he’d told this story often enough that they no longer tried to shrivel up into his body any longer. That, or Lowen just had that kind of effect on him.
“Would you two like a refill on your drinks?” Kip, the bartender, called over to them from where he was cleaning the bar. “It’s last call.”
Blue glanced at his phone and noticed it was almost ten. Not that it was late, but on a Sunday, things tended to close early. In the winter Kip would have been closed by eight.
“I don’t think I could finish another before we’d need to go,” Blue told Lowen.
Lowen must have agreed for he told Kip, “We’re good, but if you want to settle us up, we’ll be leaving soon.”
Kip waved in their direction as he continued to ask the few others that were in the bar if they wanted anything else.
“I can’t believe it’s ten already,” Lowen said. He finished the last of his beer, and just like with every other time he took a drink, Blue’s gaze was pulled to the way the muscles of his throat worked.
He was sure it had to be weird to be turned on by something like that, yet, all Blue wanted to do was lick along that long column, which had him thinking about other things he’d like a chance to lick and suddenly Blue found his cock getting even harder. If this kept up, there was no way he was going to be able to stand.
As it was, he was fairly certain it would be obvious to anyone who bothered to look at his groin. Which, if Lowen was anything like Blue, there was no way the man wouldn’t notice. It wasn’t that he was a pervert, looking at every
one’s crotch, but there was something about Lowen that had his eyes continuing to travel down in that direction.
Okay, so maybe he was a pervert. But he couldn’t help it. All it took was being close to Lowen and Blue had the urge to see the man naked. It started with the tattoos and wanting to know where else the man had ink. But, if he were being completely honest, Blue just wanted to see that sexy body on display.
His dick twitched at the thought. Great. The only saving grace Blue had, was that it was dark out. It wouldn’t get him out of the restaurant without anyone seeing how turned on he was. Or for that matter, away from the well-lit square. Even this late at night, the street lights were all lit up.
It made the area safer, but for those who lived in the few buildings with second floor apartments, it sucked to have so much light flooding the small space. Blue should know, since he used to live in one of those buildings. Thankfully, two years ago, one of the houses just off the square that had been converted into apartments had opened up.
The light still spilled inside the house, but Blue had been fortunate to get one that faced the back of the house. Not only did he not have to worry about all that light coming in the window, but he had a decent view of the community garden all the renters contributed to.
It was quite pretty, especially as he had a small balcony that overlooked the landscaped area. He could invite Lowen over for one more drink. Lowen wasn’t due at the winery for his shift until eleven, so he it wasn’t like he had to be up early.
After they split the check, since neither of them could really afford to take the other out and both of them tried to insist on paying for it anyway, they headed outside. They were both walking slowly.
Blue knew he was doing it because he was trying to get the nerve to ask Lowen over. He kind of assumed Lowen was thinking the same thing. He hoped it wasn’t because Lowen was trying to come up with a way to let Blue down easy. It was doubtful, since it had been Lowen who had again taken Blue’s hand as they left the restaurant.