Earning His Trust (Miracle Book 8) Page 7
“Please, don’t.” Jazz scrambled backward. “It’s my fault. I’m too clumsy and stupid to get things right.”
The terror pouring off of Jazz was a living, breathing thing. It gripped Iniko and flung him into the past when he felt the same fear whenever his father came home.
“Who?” The word came out hoarse as the sound barely managed to make it out over the lump that had formed in his throat. There was no way Iniko would let anyone be hurt again. He hadn’t been able to do anything for his mother. Nor had he been able to help Harper. But he wasn’t about to let another person be abused.
If he had to step in and take the punch himself, Iniko would. But he knew it wouldn’t come to that, because Edrick would kill anyone stupid enough to beat on one of his pack.
But Jazz refused to answer. His eyes pleaded with Iniko even as he raced away, back to the east side of town.
“Do you want me to go after him and keep him safe?”
Iniko’s heart leapt into his chest at the sound of Greyson’s voice. He could have lied to himself and said it was because his mate had scared him, but the fact was, Iniko had smelled that sweet lavender scent several minutes before, alerting him that Greyson was near.
No. He had promised to be brutally honest with himself. His heart raced because he was happy the man was there. The smile that seemed to show up whenever Iniko saw his mate appeared, even though he should be dealing with whatever was happening with Jazz.
Even if he was inclined to lie, his traitorous dick had other thoughts.
Greyson curled his lips in as if to stop from laughing. Iniko closed his eyes and dropped his head. “Please tell me I didn’t just say that out loud.” He really didn’t want anyone to know how attracted he was to his mate.
Greyson reached out and tilted Iniko’s chin up until their gazes met. There was a hint of humor in their chocolatey depths, but mostly Iniko saw just how serious his mate was at the moment. “Lying isn’t something I’m willing to do to you, ever.”
Iniko’s stomach fluttered. He couldn’t help basking in the knowledge that his mate would always be honest with him, even if Iniko didn’t necessarily want the truth.
“No,” he answered his mate’s earlier question. “Jazz should be fine for now. I think he’s heading to work and I don’t believe for a moment Zayden would allow anything to happen to one of his men while working for him.”
A furrow appeared between Greyson’s brows as he came within an inch of Iniko. It was odd how much Iniko was becoming more accustomed to his mate’s constant need to be close. He’d never thought it possible when he’d come face to face with the fact that he’d found his mate, but Greyson was growing on him.
“Who do you think put those bruises there?” The touch of Greyson’s fingertips on his hand was heaven and for a moment Iniko forgot what they were talking about as he let himself enjoy the peace that flowed through his body. It wasn’t something Iniko ever believed would happen to him.
But, as much as he wanted to soak up his mate’s closeness, Iniko wasn’t ready to give in completely to the fairytale that was trying to come alive within. He knew, better than most, that dreams were something that got crushed under the boots of life.
His heart may want to lean into Greyson and soak up his strength, but Iniko knew that would only lead to pain and suffering. If he wasn’t careful, he’d end up just like his mother. Or Jazz.
“Honestly? I don’t know.” He could guess, but until he had proof or Jazz admitted the truth, Iniko could only speculate.
With a sigh of defeat, Greyson didn’t stop Iniko from backing away from him. Iniko just wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad one. What was wrong with him? He shouldn’t want for Greyson to stop him, right?
“Do the bruises remind you of your mother?” Greyson asked softly.
Not expecting the question, Iniko inhaled sharply and his mouth ran away from him again. “Do the bruises make you feel more like a man?”
The moment he’d said the words, Iniko desperately wanted to take them all back. Unfortunate, as the stupid cliché was, it was true, he couldn’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Getting punched in the gut with a sledgehammer would have hurt less. That sliver of hope that Iniko had started to trust Greyson had just been smashed and run over by a truck for good measure.
Greyson was no longer sure what he was even doing trying to woo his mate. He was beginning to believe the task was unachievable. If so, what was he supposed to do?
Claim him.
It was a constant thought in his head. He knew it was only his panther talking, but Greyson had to admit to being more than a little tempted to just drag Iniko off and mate him. Except… Greyson heaved a heavy sigh as he stared at the one person who had managed to capture his heart.
There was no way Greyson would ever do anything to hurt his mate. Claiming Iniko before he was ready would only devastate the already leery mouse shifter.
“I’m sorry,” Iniko blurted out after several minutes of silence. “I didn’t mean it. It’s just…”
When Iniko didn’t seem able to finish his thought, Greyson tried once more. “That Jazz reminds you of your mother?” he guessed.
There was a moment as Iniko looked straight into Greyson’s eyes that he would swear they were connected. It was almost as if Greyson could read Iniko’s mind and see the horrors he’d endured as a child. It didn’t last more than a heartbeat, but it was enough for Greyson to reaffirm his promise to find a way into his mate’s heart.
“She always took whatever he dished out, you know?” Iniko whispered. His gaze had turned more distant, as if he was back in time watching his mother once more. “She never complained. Never told him to stop. Just promised to always do better so she wouldn’t disappoint him in the future.”
How anyone could do that to someone they claimed to love was beyond Greyson. It was why panther parents sent their kids out into the world so young. They were too afraid they would end up feeling territorial with too many panthers around and end up killing the kids in an effort to eliminate future competition. It was a mystery to Greyson that it was even a remote possibility.
Sure, their animal was a part of them, but they were still human. What parent would willing hurt their own child?
“What happened to your mother?” Greyson feared asking the question because Iniko always spoke of her in the past tense.
“She died,” Iniko whispered, the words broken as he tried to get them out. “My father finally beat her to death about six months after I was kicked out.”
Greyson didn’t think, he just reacted as he reached and pulled Iniko into his arms. The need to comfort his mate outweighed his concern that Iniko would run from him again.
What he hadn’t realized was how good it would feel to have Iniko’s body pressed against his. Apparently, neither had Iniko, since he moaned and sank deeper into Greyson’s embrace.
It was as if they were two pieces of a puzzle that had finally found their home. If he had his way, Greyson would stay like this forever.
“I always knew he’d kill her eventually.” Iniko wasn’t crying but his voice was shaky and uneven with emotion as he spoke. “But I think it was finding out I was gay that pushed him into…” This time a small sob did escape Iniko.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Greyson held Iniko tighter, doing everything in his power to comfort his traumatized mate. “Anyone who can beat someone consistently doesn’t need to be pushed into something. Like you said, even as young as you were, you knew he was going to kill her one day. Nothing could have changed that outcome.”
“Maybe,” Iniko whispered.
It was weird how Greyson’s heart was breaking for his mate while at the same time soaring that his mate was allowing Greyson to hold him. For the first time in his life Greyson knew what it felt like to have his world right there in his arms.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that, Iniko. I would do anything to h
ave spared you from such pain.” It was the truth. Even now, Greyson would gladly rip through space and time to go back to the day his sweet mate was born and kill the man’s father.
Yeah, he knew that wasn’t exactly rational, or possible, but the protective instincts he had for Iniko were too strong to worry about little technicalities like that.
When his mate started to take a step back, Greyson desperately wanted to hold him even tighter, but he also wasn’t about to let Iniko feel trapped. Now that he understood a little bit better about why Iniko felt as he did, Greyson would find a way to be more patient. Even if it killed him.
There was no way to explain the loss even a few inches of separation caused within Greyson. It was almost as if someone were ripping off a part of his body. So, he was shocked when Iniko only took one step backward in order to look at Greyson with those sweet, honey colored eyes.
In their depths was a whole host of emotions. Greyson wasn’t sure about all of them, but he could clearly define regret and bit of embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, too,” Iniko told him, holding his gaze even though it was apparent Iniko would rather be looking anywhere else at the moment. “Deep inside, I know it’s not fair to compare you with my father. It’s just…”
That was when Iniko’s gaze did turn away from him to stare beyond Greyson’s shoulder. After a full two minutes of silence, Greyson decided his mate needed to know he didn’t have to say the words for Greyson to understand.
He pulled his mate into his embrace once more, thrilled beyond belief that Iniko willing came. He was about to say something like everything would be okay. They would get through this or some such nonsense when Iniko whispered, “I can’t get the image of my mother chained to the kitchen floor, on her hands and knees with both eyes nearly swollen shut after one of my father’s more brutal beatings, scrubbing her own blood off the floor.”
Greyson’s heart dropped. Hell, he was pretty sure his soul was crying out for his sweet little mate and his mother. No one should have to endure that kind of life, especially from someone who was supposed to love them.
“You will never have anything to be sorry for with me, my sweetness. I know it seems impossible but I believe with all my heart we will find a way.” When he felt Iniko’s head move from side to side against his chest in denial, Greyson said, “Even if it just means being friends and talking to each other.”
He held Iniko for a few more minutes before saying, “I will never ask you for more than you can give me. If this is as close as we will ever be, I will be happy for the chance to hold you in my arms and comfort you whenever you will let me.”
The weird thing was, Greyson meant every word. Maybe it helped that he never really any expectations for a mate. His parents loved each other, but he’d been too young to really notice how they acted toward each other before he’d been kicked out.
Since then, he’d pretty much been on the run with his friends, and hadn’t really paid mates too much attention. It wasn’t until he’d met his mate that Greyson had regretted that. Now? Now, he believed that might have been in his favor. There were no preconceived notions about how they should act, live, or anything else.
For the first time in Greyson’s life, he was glad his parents had kicked him out at such a young age. He may not have realized it at the time, but they’d done him a favor.
He heard his mate let out a small sigh then push further into Greyson’s arms for another minute as if he too were enjoying being there. But then he took what Greyson thought was a reluctant step back, as if maybe he really wanted to stay. Greyson nearly said something about it being okay to want to be held until his mate pulled out his phone.
“Thank you,” Iniko told him with sincerity in his honey eyes. “What you said means a lot.” Another sigh. “But I have to deal with Jazz before anything else happens to him.”
That Greyson understood. But if his mate thought he was going to have to do this alone, he was mistaken. “Okay. What can I do to help?”
Iniko stared at him like he’d grown another head. “Help? Really? You want to get involved?”
His mate was about to find out that the one and only thing Greyson had been good at was helping others. He didn’t know why people trusted him, but they did. His friends could attest to that. Over the years, Greyson had helped hundreds of people in bad situations find a new way to live.
Usually, it was through intimidation of the other party involved, but many times it was just by being there and listening. As a black panther shifter, Greyson tended to be silent. For some reason, people associated that with a good listener.
It had taken him years to learn the difference from just being there as people talked, to actually listening, but he had to admit he was good at it now. One thing he’d discovered was that most people, especially those in trouble, wanted help, they just didn’t know how to get it.
It was the reason he had the patience to wait for his mate. Greyson’s only real problem had been that he hadn’t always known how to help someone. Well, other than using his fists, or claws, whichever worked.
“Of course, I want to help,” he told his mate as he leaned forward and kissed the top of that blue and pink head. “No one should have to live in fear. Now, what do we do first?”
Never had Iniko thought for an instant that Greyson would offer to help with Jazz. He was the stronger mate, shouldn’t that mean he was fine with a weaker member of the community being used as a punching bag?
Stop it, Iniko.
That annoying inner voice that only knew how to be blunt when it came to telling the truth refused to be stuffed down this time when it came to Greyson. It had been telling him all along that Greyson wasn’t his father. When it was at its most irritating, it would remind him, none too gently, that his father and mother weren’t even true mates so, how dare he compare them to what Greyson and Iniko could have.
More times than he could count, Iniko forced that damned voice as far down as possible. This time, he wasn’t so sure he would manage to get rid of the insistent tone, or the truth that it was spouting.
What Iniko wasn’t sure of was, did he want to quell it yet again?
As hard as it was, he turned his focus back to the task at hand. Jazz. “His wrist and neck were a mix of fresh and old bruises,” he told the men before him.
It had only taken one call to Alpha Edrick for Iniko and Greyson to attend a meeting less than thirty minutes later in the alpha’s home, so no unwanted ears would hear their discussion. It had meant moving several of his scheduled appointments around, but it had been more than worth the hassle if he could stop Jazz from being abused.
That their alpha took him seriously enough to call not only his inner circle but their council leader, even if he was technically the mate of one of the alpha’s inner circle, was humbling. No one had ever really taken Iniko seriously. Until now.
Light bubbles of pride started in his stomach and rose up, making him stand even taller. He’d never considered himself a pessimist in the past when he’d thought life just sucked. If anyone had bothered to ask, he called himself a realist.
Now, between realizing his mate might not be a bad guy and how much the men in this room seemed to care about a member of Miracle, Iniko was beginning to think he might have been wrong. He had been a pessimist. In fact, he’d been as much a negative Nancy as Jazz currently was. That made sense considering their lives hadn’t been that different.
“Did he tell you who was responsible?” The growl of displeasure in Edrick’s voice brought Iniko back to the task at hand.
“No. But it has to be someone he cares for greatly because he begged me to leave it alone.” With all Iniko had endured, that wasn’t something he was comfortable doing. There was no way he’d just stand back and allow Jazz to eventually be put in the hospital; or worse, dead. “Other than he works for Zayden’s crew, I don’t know anything about his personal life.”
Chadwick stiff
ened. “You don’t think Zayden…”
Iniko didn’t even let him finish. “No. I don’t. I know Zayden and have already spoken with many of those working for him. They all love him.” Admittedly, that wasn’t exactly proof but Iniko was going with his gut on this one.
“Okay, so we’re ruling out Zayden,” Saber said. His hand was on Chadwick’s neck kneading the muscles as if he were trying to soothe his mate. “Does anyone know if Jazz has family? Someone he’s dating? Or someone who’s been picking on him?”
Everyone in the room shook their head.
“This is ridiculous,” Chadwick groused as he pulled away from his mate and strode to the window overlooking the houses being build nearby. He stared out at the people milling about for several minutes and then yanked his phone from his pocket.
Far more viciously than one should probably punch in numbers on the device, he made a call. “Hey, Zayden, can you come up to the alpha’s house without telling anyone where you’re going?” He was silent for a few moments before a frown appeared on his features. “I don’t give a fuck how behind you are. Get your ass here, now.”
With a growl of frustration, Chadwick punched the phone again, most likely disconnecting the call. This time, a crack of the fragile glass echoed in the room.
“I’m so glad I ordered those extra phones,” Saber chuckled. “I thought it would be my men throwing the damn things into the woods so I wouldn’t be able to contact them, but you seem to have a knack for breaking them all on your own, kitten.”
Chadwick’s frown turned into a scowl. “I told you not to call me that.” Although by the blush on his cheeks, Iniko would guess he actually liked the nickname.
Saber chuckled again and held out his arms. Iniko’s eyes nearly bugged out of his sockets when badass Chadwick dropped into Saber’s lap. Sure, Saber was bigger and definitely more dangerous, but it wasn’t often Iniko witnessed someone as strong as Chadwick give up any control.