Earning His Trust (Miracle Book 8) Page 9
More importantly, he cried for all he’d lost. Such as a relationship with his own mate, like his friends had with theirs. He wanted to feel loved. To have someone to love.
“Please don’t give up on me,” he begged not even sure why. It seemed impossible that they could have a life together after everything Iniko had seen growing up.
On the other hand, his best friend, Harper, had been through much worse. If he could find a way to trust someone with his heart and body, shouldn’t Iniko be able to find a way?
“Never,” Greyson promised. “I will wait for you until the end of time.”
What was Iniko doing pushing away someone like Greyson? He should be grabbing onto him with both hands and refusing to allow anything to separate them. That’s what being a mate entailed. Right?
Desperate to prove to himself that he could find love too, Iniko turned his head and captured Greyson’s lips with his own. It was as if time itself stood still.
It was heaven, his greatest fantasies all wrapped up in one. Greyson allowed Iniko the time to explore his mouth, one lick, nibble, and kiss at a time.
Moans escaped from both of them as Iniko skimmed his fingertips along every inch of muscle covered smooth skin as if it were all there just for him. In a way, Iniko supposed it was. He was Greyson’s mate, after all. Who else was meant to touch this perfect body, if not him?
Then again, Iniko wasn’t a virgin, so he couldn’t exactly expect his mate to be, could he? A low growl vibrated through his body.
He hadn’t even realized he’d made it until Greyson leaned back and asked, “What’s wrong? Did I do something to hurt you?”
“Have you fucked anyone?” It came out sounding more like an accusation than an actual question but Iniko was too incensed at the thought of anyone but him touching his mate that he couldn’t control himself.
It wasn’t easy to see in the dimness of the few lights he’d turned on, but Iniko was pretty sure Greyson’s cheeks were becoming red. “Greyson?”
There was a long drawn out breath before Greyson said, “Promise you won’t think badly of me?”
Iniko tried to still the jealousy surging through his veins. He had no right to judge Greyson for how many men he’d been with when they hadn’t even met. “I promise,” he finally answered after a few moments of working to get his voice steady.
There was another sigh as Greyson scrubbed his face with his hands as if he didn’t want to have to look at Iniko when he answered. “None,” he mumbled.
“I’m sorry.” There was no way Iniko heard him correctly. “Can you repeat that without your hand covering your face?”
Slowly, Greyson slid his hand down. There was little doubt how embarrassed he was now that Iniko could see it better. His face glowed it was so red. Dark chocolate eyes pleaded with Iniko for something, but he still wasn’t quite sure what it was.
“None,” Greyson said again.
Iniko had to admit he’d forgotten exactly what he’d asked mainly because ‘none’ couldn’t possibly be the answer to the question he’d assumed he’d asked. There was no way this sexy man who had Iniko’s cock in a constant state of readiness had never had sex. It just wasn’t possible.
Apparently, his silence had Greyson worried since he started to babble. “I hadn’t exactly planned to stay celibate all these years. It just sort of happened. I mean, I met Kylo when he was being attacked by shark shifters after finding out Kylo was gay.
“I basically met Ward, Elton, and Teddy the same way. Someone was trying to kill them for being gay.” Greyson shook his head before sitting back a little, so he could lean his back against a nearby set of shelves. “If we were lucky, we’d be able to settle down for a few years before one of the guys got careless and was discovered with another man. Then we’d be forced to run. I guess…”
Greyson blew out another long breath. “I guess, I never found anyone worth taking that kind of chance on until I met you.”
Iniko was blown away.
More than that, he was turned on by the knowledge that he would be Greyson’s first. Not one to turn down a challenge, Iniko dove right in by climbing onto Greyson’s lap and kissing the man for all he was worth.
A groan spilled from Greyson’s lips as Iniko moved from kissing his mouth, to nibbling along his jaw and down his neck. He’d been terrified that Iniko would laugh at him, but it seemed his sweet mouse was turned on by the knowledge that he’d be Greyson’s first.
He had seen the flash of guilt in Iniko’s eyes that he wasn’t as untouched as Greyson, but that was okay. Greyson wasn’t stupid. Most people didn’t shy away from sex. He couldn’t honestly think his mate would have done the same.
Refusing to let any negative thoughts interfere, Greyson reached around Iniko and grabbed ahold of his ass. He kneaded the well-formed muscles and pulled him closer until their groins were rubbing against each other.
“Fuck,” Iniko moaned loudly when Greyson pushed up.
They were both hard, if the bulges in their pants were something to go by. But Greyson didn’t want anything separating them. Surging to his feet, with Iniko wrapping around him like a monkey, Greyson strode to the back where he knew his mate had a cot for sleeping.
It wasn’t a bed as Iniko deserved, but Greyson wasn’t about to give his mate time to change his mind by returning to Krill’s house. Plus, he’d prefer they be alone for this, not with others around who might be listening.
His body was rock hard. His cock felt like it was doing its best to punch a hole in his jeans just to get free. Never in Greyson’s life had he ever felt this way about anyone. It was what made sex so easy to avoid. But with Iniko, the man just had to walk into a room and it was all Greyson could do not to jump him.
By the time they entered the back room, Iniko had managed to get both of their shirts off. He was so glad his mate was on the same page, because Greyson was fairly certain that he wasn’t going to last long. He may wish it to be otherwise, but Greyson was a realist in this case.
Wherever they touched, Iniko’s lips left a trail of fire along Greyson’s skin. It was as if the blood in his veins were molten lava, ready to consume both of them in a blaze of desire and lust.
Taking his time to make his own trail of nips and licks along Iniko’s neck, Greyson paid special attention to the point where he planned on marking his sweet mate as his. Iniko bucked against Greyson when he scraped his teeth over the area, letting Greyson know his mate was still on board with the plan to claim each other.
Quickly, he set Iniko down on his feet and in one motion stripped his pants and underwear off. Thankfully, he hadn’t had any shoes on, which reminded Greyson to take off his own boots.
Irritated that he couldn’t just toe them off, he growled in frustration when he couldn’t get the laces untied. Refusing to be delayed from feeling that gorgeous creamy skin against his own any longer, Greyson flicked out a claw and cut the laces right down the middle.
With two quick yanks he had both boots off. Fast as he could, he pulled down his jeans and underwear. In the next instant he had an armful of Iniko pressed up against him.
They both moaned as sparks of desire raced up and down their bodies from the points of contact. Greyson was sure he was about to go up in flames as he bent down and captured that sweet mouth with his in a searing kiss that had his toes curling and his cock throbbing for more.
When Iniko once more wrapped his arms around Greyson and jumped into his arms so he could hook his legs around Greyson’s back and start humping against him, Greyson was sure he’d lost his damn mind. Nothing should feel this good. How was he ever going to let his mate leave his side for an instant when he could have this instead?
They were rutting together like animals but it wasn’t enough for Greyson. He needed to be inside his mate, like, now. He may not have had sex before but that didn’t mean Greyson was completely stupid, either. They needed lube and he needed to get his mate ready for him. He may be about to blow, b
ut Greyson wasn’t about to hurt his mate for any reason.
“Lube,” he managed to get out in between long sensual kisses that left them both panting for air.
Iniko pointed to a little shelf near his bed. Next to a paperback book and small lamp was the lube. Snatching it, Greyson quickly popped the top and smeared some on his fingers. This was where things got a little awkward. He’d read about how to prep someone, but he hadn’t actually done it before.
What if he hurt his mate because of his inexperience? Would he even know?
“Stop overthinking and put your fingers in my ass,” Iniko said after breaking a heated kiss. When Greyson still hesitated, Iniko cupped his hands over Greyson’s face. “You won’t hurt me. I promise.” He ended that statement with a kiss to the tip of Greyson’s nose.
Why that worked to ease Greyson’s apprehension, he couldn’t say, but it did nonetheless. Gently, he ran his fingers along Iniko’s crack until he felt his tight puckered entrance. Slowly, he pushed one finger in. When Iniko groaned and sank down further onto him, Greyson became a bit more emboldened. By the second finger, he was feeling more sure of himself.
When he got to three, Greyson could see the appeal of making his mate crazy with nothing more than his fingers. He was beginning to wonder if he could get Iniko off with nothing more than this, but that wasn’t going to be this time. Greyson wanted inside his mate when they came, nothing less would do.
Knowing his mate was ready for him, Greyson glanced at the small cot and cringed. There was no way that was going to fit him. With little other options, he pushed his mate up against the wall, lined up his cock and drove deep into his mate’s body.
Twin moans of pleasure filled the air as Iniko sank further back onto Greyson’s dick. It was like being encased by pure silken heat. There was no way he was ever going to leave this sweet body. It just wasn’t possible.
Greyson leaned his forehead against Iniko’s and looked into his eyes. “I know it’s bad form to say this during sex, but I love you.”
Before his mate could say anything that might ruin the moment, Greyson sealed their mouths together and started to thrust up into his mate. He started slowly, but all too soon his body refused to take things anything but hard and fast.
He reached between them and jerked his mate’s cock in time with this thrusts. His balls rolled in their sac as electricity raced up and down his spine. Greyson had never known such raw passion before but he would swear it was going eat them whole.
Nails dug into his shoulders and Iniko kept pace with him, chasing his own orgasm. Like lightening striking them both, they cried out at the same time. Both of them leaned forward. Greyson sank his canines deep into the spot where Iniko’s neck and shoulder met. He felt the prick of Iniko doing the same to him.
Then everything went black for a moment before it all exploded in a multitude of colors, like fireworks in the sky.
Jets of fluid coated his hand and stomach. That tight grip around Greyson’s cock clamped down like a vise. Greyson filled Iniko’s body with his seed, tying them together, forever.
It was the single greatest moment in Greyson’s life. Both of them were breathing hard as they slowly came back down to earth. The last thing Greyson wanted was to pull out of his mate, but he wasn’t sure how much longer his shaky legs would be able to hold them.
Reluctantly, he slid from his mate’s body and carried him over to the cot before gently lying him down. “I’m going to get something to clean us up,” he whispered with a kiss to Iniko’s forehead.
When he returned with some paper towels and they were both as clean as they were going to be until they showered, Greyson tried to nudge in next to his mate. In the end, Iniko ended up on top of Greyson, but he didn’t seem to mind.
“I love you, sweetness.” Greyson could feel Iniko tense the moment he uttered the words but he wasn’t about to take them back. They had nothing to do with having sex and everything to do with his amazing mate, who had found a way to let Greyson into his life.
“I don’t know what that means,” Iniko whispered as if afraid to speak. Then he lifted his head and stared down at Greyson. “I care about you. I do. I just…” Iniko blew out a steadying breath. “The fact is, I have never experienced love and don’t know if that is what I’m feeling for you or not.”
Greyson understood. It still hurt some, but he knew Iniko hadn’t exactly had the best examples of love growing up. “It’s okay, sweetness. Just know that I love you and I will always love you.”
Sure, he hoped one day Iniko would feel the same way, but even if Iniko was never capable of having the same feelings, Greyson would love his mate. For if there was anyone who deserved love in his life, it was Iniko.
Kissing the top of his mate’s head as they both lay there, Greyson said, “Get some sleep, sweetness.”
Three days ago Iniko woke up in his mate’s arms for the first time. It should have been the greatest day of his life and in many ways it was. He still didn’t know what he felt for Greyson, but he would swear he could feel Greyson’s love for him in every look or action from his mate.
It was also the day when Jazz was carried into the clinic unconscious. The moment Iniko laid eyes on him, he’d wanted to cry. There wasn’t an inch of Jazz’s body that wasn’t covered in bruises or cuts. He thought he would have been immune to the sight after watching his mother get pummeled by his father’s fists, but apparently no matter how often Iniko had seen the damage someone could inflict on another, it was still a shock.
A huge part of him wanted to rail at the men in the room for not having done something to stop this. The alpha and his inner circle were there to protect the citizens of Miracle but they’d completely failed when it came to Jazz.
Another part, the one who had heard Greyson and Edrick the other day about it being Jazz’s decision, knew they were right. Only Jazz had the ability to tell them what they needed to know in order to protect him.
It just sucked to feel so fucking helpless.
But that had been three days ago. Iniko had thought the sense of failure to protect their own would have faded. If anything, it was stronger. Jazz still wasn’t talking, not that he could have that first day. But since then, they each took turns sitting with Jazz, hoping he would give them a place, a name, anything to find his abuser.
All Jazz had done was stare at a point on the wall, refusing to tell them anything.
“Jazz, we can help you if you just talk to us,” Iniko tried again when he heard the front door opening. His two hours with Jazz were up and Greyson would be coming in next. At least with Greyson, Jazz spoke. Not about his attacker, but he did talk.
There was no response but Iniko hadn’t really expected one. The door opened and Iniko couldn’t help but notice the relief that filled Jazz’s normally dull brown eyes when he saw Greyson. He couldn’t exactly blame Jazz for feeling safer with Greyson around.
It may have taken him time to admit it, but Iniko not only felt safe with Greyson, but also loved. As if to prove his words, Greyson only had eyes for Iniko when he entered. He took a somewhat chaste kiss since Jazz was right there, letting Iniko know he was the center of Greyson’s world.
“Hello, sweetness. I saw you already have two people waiting for you.” Those chocolate eyes sparkled with merriment. “One looked like he was going to pee his pants.”
Iniko couldn’t stop the snort of laughter when he thought about Emry, a rabbit shifter. “That would be Emry. The poor kid is afraid of his own damn shadow. I swear he burns more calories being a nervous Nellie than any workout regimen could accomplish.”
His mate chuckled and gave him one more peck on the lips before turning to Jazz. “Hello, Jazz. I hope you don’t mind spending time with me for the next few hours. I know I can be a bit quiet but I’ll try not to be too boring.”
Like that would ever happen. All Greyson had to do was stand there and Iniko could have hours of entertainment just drooling over his rock hard body.
Damn, now his dick was hard again.
Jazz chuckled as Greyson said, “As much as I’d like to help you out with your problem, sweetness, I’m not so sure that those waiting for you would be very understanding.”
For a chance at a few private minutes with Greyson, his appointments could fuck off. But they both knew Greyson needed to stay with Jazz. It was obvious he was more comfortable around Greyson and if they had any hope of catching the son of bitch who hurt Jazz, they needed Jazz to tell them who he was.
“Fine,” he grumbled good naturedly. With a wave to Jazz he left, praying all the while that Jazz would finally talk.
Iniko had left two hours ago and Jazz hadn’t said more than a handful of words but today Greyson had felt something different in the air. Jazz planned on telling him the name of the man who’d nearly beaten him to death. He just needed more time.
Usually, those who sat with Jazz took shifts in two hour increments so they could continue to work. Greyson was the only exception. He usually took six hour shifts with the only interruption being Nole, who not only checked Jazz’s vitals but also brought them something to eat.
That left him a good four hours. If needed, he would text Nole and ask him to not send in the next person to babysit Jazz. Just because he had the feeling Jazz wanted to tell him, didn’t mean it would happen. More often than not, when someone shared a secret with him, it didn’t happen the first time they finally decided to talk.
So long as Jazz remained safe, Greyson could wait as long as it took the younger man. From the little Jazz had told him, he was only twenty-five. Since they lived for hundreds of years, Jazz was still a kid in the shifter world. Like so many, Jazz had been kicked out of his home when his parents discovered he was gay.
The only good thing Greyson could say about Jazz’s parents was that they hadn’t tried to kill him. They’d also given him thirty minutes to grab whatever he wanted to take with him. From the many horror stories Greyson had heard since finding Kylo all those years ago, parents generally weren’t that nice in the same situation.