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  • Chiseled Wood [Cedar Falls 19] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 11

Chiseled Wood [Cedar Falls 19] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Read online

Page 11

  The sharp sting was a relief to feel as Kyler’s fingers pinched his thigh. It was real. In the mirror, he saw his lips turn up into a sappy smile. Aaron really did want him.

  His legs felt like limp noodles as he stepped over the edge of the tub into the shower. He had to grip the wall with his fingers to keep himself from falling.

  If Kyler didn’t get a handle on his nerves, he feared he would quite literally shake apart before he ever got to experience an actual scene with Aaron. Refusing to allow that to happen, Kyler turned the water to cold. The icy chill was so startling, all thoughts of Aaron, what they’d just done and what they were about to do, fled, allowing him to gain control over his rioting emotions.

  What if he screwed everything up by doing the wrong thing? What if he hated it? What if Aaron laughed when he walked out naked?

  The shaking started once again, although it might have been because he was now freezing as he stood under the icy cold spray. Turning the knob back to warm, Kyler grabbed the soap and made quick work of washing himself.

  He had no idea what was about to happen, but the longer Kyler took to get ready, the more he’d obsess over it. Better to just get out there instead of letting his fears, or his excitement, ruin things.

  Once he was clean, Kyler turned off the water and grabbed the towel he had hanging next to the tub. As he dried off, Kyler caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He tried not to grimace, but it was hard not to. He knew he wasn’t handsome. In fact, with his hair wet and hanging limply against his head, Kyler thought he resembled a wet dog.

  Turning away so he didn’t have to stare at himself, Kyler did his best to dry his hair with the towel. Too bad he didn’t have a hairdryer. Not that it would have helped much, but at least it would be better than this.

  Once he was as dry as he was going to be able to make himself, Kyler reached out to grab the doorknob and stilled. The shaking returned. Frozen, Kyler stared at his hand as it gripped the doorknob like a lifeline. What if he couldn’t do what Aaron asked of him?

  His heart raced as all the things Aaron had told him about BDSM already swirled around in his mind. There was a lot to remember and Kyler knew he wasn’t the best at understanding subtleties. Aaron would help him.

  That thought broke through all the doubts plaguing him. For one thing, Aaron brought up at least a hundred times that he was the Dom and wouldn’t allow Kyler to fall. Kyler needed to trust that Aaron would keep his promise.

  A little steadier, Kyler turned the knob and opened the door. As he stepped into the hall, he sent up a prayer that he would make it through this without doing something stupid.

  When he reached the end of the hallway, Kyler took a deep breath and stepped into the living room only to have all the air sucked right out of his body when he laid eyes on Aaron. Heat poured from Aaron’s gaze, scorching Kyler as those brown eyes moved over his naked body.

  A shiver raced up and down Kyler’s spine in a mix of nerves and excitement. By the time Aaron’s gaze reached his eyes, Kyler actually felt desirable. It wasn’t a feeling he’d ever experienced before and he wasn’t quite sure what to do about it.

  As if his body had a will of its own, Kyler felt his hips roll as he walked toward Aaron. The appreciation in Aaron’s eyes as he moved emboldened Kyler as he approached. Those nerves that had gripped Kyler in fear mere moments before, disappeared with each step he took until he stood before Aaron, his back straight, head held high.

  “Good boy,” Aaron murmured.

  Kyler couldn’t help it, he actually preened at the compliment. He’d had no idea he even knew how to do that, much less ever would. Yet, with Aaron looking at him like he wanted to devour Kyler, he felt sexy.

  Aaron took a step closer, his large, calloused hand skimming down Kyler’s body from collar bone to hip. “You make me want to forget my promise to wait until you’re ready.” Aaron’s husky voice sent another shiver down Kyler’s spine, right to his dick, which twitched and swelled in interest.

  “I…” Kyler’s voice came out as a squeak. Swallowing, he tried again. “I would be okay with that.”

  He stared at Aaron’s firm lips as they curved upward. “I’m sure you would, but I’m not about to rush this.”

  Kyler moaned when Aaron moved his hand that had been stroking the flesh along Kyler’s hip to his dick. Strong fingers wrapped around him and Kyler felt his knees begin to buckle as his eyes closed in ecstasy. Aaron’s other arm went around Kyler, keeping him from falling, just like he’d promised.

  “We’re going to start simply tonight,” Aaron told him even as his hand started moving up and down Kyler’s thickening shaft. “First, before every session, I need you to tell me what your safeword is.”

  Kyler had thought long and hard about this after Aaron had first mentioned it. The safeword needed to be something he’d easily remember, yet not something he’d say by accident during a scene. “Dandelion.”

  Aaron’s hand stopped its movement and Kyler whimpered in despair. “Mind explaining?” Aaron asked.

  If it meant getting that hand moving again, Kyler would tell Aaron anything he wanted to hear, even if it was a bit embarrassing to admit. “It’s the one flower that reminds me of me.”

  He’d hoped Aaron would leave it alone, but the raised eyebrow said differently. Kyler sighed. “It’s a weed. No one pays it much attention unless it’s in disgust because they feel it is ruining the landscape. But it takes more than just cutting it to destroy the hardy flower.”

  Aaron’s smile grew bigger as he gazed down at Kyler. “I like that.”

  Then, as if Aaron could read Kyler’s mind, those firm lips lowered to his own while his hand once more began to stroke his dick. He was in heaven. There was just no other explanation that made any sense.

  Seconds later, all that changed when Aaron stepped back, his hands dropping from Kyler’s body. Kyler’s body automatically tried to follow, but Aaron stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

  “We are going to start. Do you understand?” Aaron asked.

  Kyler nodded.

  “I need you to verbalize that you do,” Aaron told him. “Unless you are gagged, I will expect verbal answers from you at all times.”

  He knew that. Aaron had already told him that during one of their discussions about what Aaron expected from him as a sub. “Yes,” he said clearly. “I understand.”

  The hand that had been on his shoulder, moved to cup his face gently. “Good boy.”

  Warmth filled every part of Kyler’s body at the praise.

  “As I already said, we’re going to start out with something simple. Not everything in BDSM is about spankings, whippings, or bindings,” Aaron explained. “As we discussed, I would prefer to live the lifestyle all the time, not just to play. Tonight will hopefully give you a small taste of what I’m expecting on a daily basis.”

  Kyler started to nod but remembered Aaron’s request for him to verbalize things. “I understand.”

  He was given a soft smile that was just as tangible as the hand that was cupping his cheek, or the thumb that was stroking his lips. “Good boy.”

  Kyler was sure, if he lived forever, he would never tire of hearing Aaron’s praise. It was like a balm to his soul.

  “Kneel.” Aaron’s voice had changed from soft and comforting to demanding, yet it wasn’t cold or remote. If anything, Kyler could hear pride in Aaron’s tone, like he was sure Kyler would follow his instructions perfectly.

  It was Aaron’s confidence in him that gave Kyler all the courage he needed to start their first scene. Sinking to his knees, Kyler stared up at Aaron, who looked down at him with that same pride that had been in his voice. “Good boy.”

  Kyler felt his dick twitch.

  “Damn, little one, you tempt me,” Aaron murmured as his hand ran over his hair.

  Wanting to please Aaron, Kyler swayed closer, prepared to open Aaron’s pants and suck him off. Fingers gripped the strands of his hair, preventing Kyler from doing just that. “Tha
t’s not what this is about, boy.”

  Ashamed that he’d done something wrong when Aaron’s tone had turned hard and unyielding, Kyler lowered his head to stare at the floor. He’d known he’d screw things up. Kyler had just hoped it hadn’t been so soon.

  “Stop it,” Aaron demanded as he squatted down before Kyler, his fingers going under Kyler’s chin to force him to look into his eyes. “There is no right or wrong here. You are learning and it is my job to correct you when I want something different, but that doesn’t make you wrong for wanting something else.”

  Kyler wasn’t so sure about that. If he hadn’t of done anything wrong, why had Aaron’s tone said otherwise?

  “Talk to me,” Aaron demanded, although his tone had gotten gentler.

  Unable to stop himself if he’d wanted, which Kyler had to admit he didn’t, he blurted out, “If I wasn’t screwing up then why did I hear disappointment in your voice?”

  “Oh, little one.” Aaron placed a soft kiss against Kyler’s lips. “Is that what you thought? That I was disappointed in you?”

  Kyler started to nod, but thankfully remembered Aaron’s requirement for verbalizing himself. “Yes.” What else was he to think? “I’m sorry if I did it wrong.”

  In the next instant, he was wrapped in Aaron’s embrace, safe. “I meant it when I said you can’t do anything wrong. If I sounded disappointed, it was with myself for having a hard time controlling the impulse to lay you back and sink as deep as possible into your body. I have never desired anyone as much as I do you, boy.”

  Tears sprang to Kyler’s eyes as hope filled him. “Really?” he whispered, afraid he hadn’t heard Aaron correctly.

  Aaron’s body jerked a bit as he let out a chuckle. Then he leaned back and rested his forehead against Kyler’s. “Really. But it is too important you understand what you are getting into for me to skip steps. You see how easy it is to have misunderstandings. When we’re in the middle of an intense scene, trust is paramount, and as much as I wish I could snap my fingers and make you trust me, it is going to take time for us to get to know each other.”

  Kyler got it. He did. He just wanted to be at that point already.

  “Plus”—Aaron grinned at him—“I wouldn’t want to miss any part of this journey for the world. Not even to be able to fuck your tight ass. You are too important to me to willing forego getting to experience each and every step with you.”

  Suddenly Kyler wanted the same thing. “Me too,” Kyler said.

  “Good,” Aaron said with a kiss. “Now, are you ready to get back to our scene?”

  “Yes,” Kyler said clearly so there was no mistake.

  Once more Aaron stood, took one step back to the couch he had been standing in front of and sat down. “Come and sit at my feet.” Aaron pointed to the spot he wanted Kyler, just to the right of his legs.

  Kyler didn’t hesitate. Once he was sitting, Aaron placed a hand on his head and encouraged Kyler to lean against his leg. That was it. They just sat there. It wasn’t at all what Kyler thought he’d experience, yet, at the same time, it was perfect for he got to just be with Aaron.

  He understood there was so much more to BDSM than this, but for his first night, Kyler couldn’t have asked for anything more than to be Aaron’s focus, for not once during the hour they sat there, did Kyler ever question that Aaron was aware of every movement Kyler made, no matter how minute.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You know, Savannah, I have a long memory, an evil streak, and a lot of patience,” Kyler heard Jesse say through the open door of Nice ‘N Rosy. “Remember that.”

  “What are you going to do?” Savannah’s shrill voice said. “Have Bigfoot come after me?” There was a smattering of female laughter, coming from at least three women.

  Usually, Kyler stayed as far from Jesse when he was on the warpath as he could. This time, after what Savannah did to Kit the other day, Kyler wanted to see him in action. He should have known Jesse wouldn’t be the only one out there confronting her. Vail, Ethan, Flynn, and Macon were with him.

  Then again, Savannah wasn’t alone either. Betty Sue was also there with three other women Kyler hadn’t met. By the scowls and glares they were sending Jesse and the others, these women were just like Savannah and Betty Sue.

  Ethan snorted. “Have you met Jesse?” he asked with enough sarcasm that even Kyler understood he didn’t mean that literally. “He doesn’t need Bigfoot to deal with you.”

  “Yeah,” Vail chimed in. “It’s not like any of you are all that bright.”

  “Hey,” Betty Sue exclaimed. “I’ll have you know we’re all successful women.”

  Jesse rolled his eyes. “Oh please, Betty Sue. The only reason you’re still in business is because you’re sleeping with the mayor and don’t have to pay the lease on your store. Otherwise, there is no way you make enough money to stay afloat.”

  Betty Sue’s scowl turned even uglier that it had been. “You take that back,” Betty Sue demanded.

  Kyler took a step back so he was hovering in the doorway. That way he could still see what was going on but relatively safe if anyone started throwing things. “That’s all you’ve got?” Jesse taunted her. “No wonder Savannah went after Kit. He was the only chance any of you had of not getting your asses handed to you.”

  One of the women Kyler had never met crossed her arms over her way too ample chest. “Like any of you are difficult to bring down. Not that we need to. You already are beneath us.”

  Suddenly Lily came running down the sidewalk with her arms outstretched to Jesse. “Unc Jesse, Unc Jesse. Unc Vicar took me for a pony ride,” she said excitedly.

  Vicar, who was just a few steps behind her, smiled. “She rode Buttercup like a champ.”

  The woman, who had just said Jesse was beneath her, snorted. “Great, just what this town needs. People like you raising an innocent child.”

  Jesse, who had started to bend down to pick up his niece, stood back up and stared at the woman. Ethan, Flynn, and Macon took a step back as they glanced between Jesse and the women. Only Vail took a step closer as if preparing for battle.

  “It’s not often I give idiots like you a warning,” Vail said. “But in this case, Mariah, I’d suggest you leave before Jesse snaps.”

  “Too late,” Jesse said. “There is a lot I’m willing to take from bigoted assholes like you, but when it comes to my niece, not only will I not tolerate your derogatory words, but I will make you pay for each and every one of them.”

  When Jesse took a step closer to Mariah, she wisely stepped back. “Don’t you dare come any closer,” Mariah warned with her hand outstretched as if that would magically stop Jesse from saying whatever he wanted.

  “If you touch her, I’ll have you arrested,” Betty Sue said.

  But that was the thing with Jesse. As mad as he might be, he would never actually physically attack anyone. He didn’t have to when his words were far deadlier.

  “What’s the matter?” Savannah taunted when Jesse didn’t say anything more. “Too scared to say anything else?”

  Jesse turned his head to stare Savannah down. Only when she stepped back did Jesse respond. “Never mistake my silence for weakness. No one plans a murder out loud.”

  “How dare you threaten us with murder,” Betty Sue gasped.

  Jesse just smiled at her. “Who said it was a threat?”

  All five women took a step back at the evil look Jesse sent them. “You’re insane,” Mariah said.

  Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, for Lily walked right up to her and kicked her in the shin. “You are not nice,” Lily told her.

  All the men broke out laughing as the five women took off when Lily stood staring them down with her small fists planted on her hips.

  “That’s my brave girl,” Jesse exclaimed as he picked Lily up in his arms.

  Every man there, including Kyler gave her a high five for chasing the women off. “No one can say mean things about my Unc Jesse,” Lily told them.
/>   “Damn straight,” Jesse said.

  Lily gave a sharp nod. “Damn straight.”

  Jesse’s face took on a panicked look as everyone else laughed even harder at Lily mimicking her uncle. “Just don’t say that in front of Uncle Parker, got it?” he said to Lily, who nodded and then giggled.

  Maybe if Parker hadn’t of chosen that moment to come their way, Lily would have forgotten about mimicking Jesse. But Parker did approach and asked, “Is everything okay over here?”

  Jesse nodded. “Everything’s good. We just had made sure Savannah knew not to pick on Kit again.”

  “Oh?” Parker asked. “Did it work?”

  But before Jesse could answer, Lily said, “Damn straight.”

  Everyone but Parker and Jesse burst out laughing. Parker glared at his husband. “Is there a reason you taught her to say that?”

  Jesse looked anywhere but his husband, acting like he hadn’t heard him.

  Ethan slapped Jesse on the shoulder. “At least she knows when to use it.”

  “Damn straight,” Lily said again, setting the men to laughing again.

  Jesse thrust Lily into Parker’s arms. “You know, I have to go and…” When he didn’t come up with something, he finally just said, “Bye.”

  Seconds later he was swallowed up by the crowd of festival goers.

  The other men were laughing at Jesse’s sudden departure, but Kyler was laughing for another reason. He actually understood that whole encounter. He hoped that meant he would no longer sound like an idiot. Maybe it was a sign of good things to come.

  * * * *

  “I did it,” Kyler said happily as Aaron drove him home after they’d cleaned up from the festival. Aaron had stayed to help break down tents and get them ready to be taken back to the rental agency the next morning.

  Kyler had been helping some of the artisans pack up the goods they hadn’t sold. It was getting late but Aaron was looking forward to going home and doing another scene. This time he planned on making it more intense as they both had the next day off.

  “What did you do?” Aaron asked taking Kyler’s hand in his and bringing it his lips to plant a kiss in his palm.