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  • Chiseled Wood [Cedar Falls 19] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 12

Chiseled Wood [Cedar Falls 19] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Read online

Page 12

  Kyler was practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. “I sold every single arrangement I had made for the festival.” Kyler’s face was beaming with pride.

  “Congratulations.” Aaron wasn’t surprised. He’d seen several of the floral displays when he’d been helping Kyler and Jesse set up Saturday morning. “They really were beautiful.”

  A soft pink flush suffused Kyler’s cheeks. “Thank you. I was hoping we could celebrate when we got home.”

  The nervous energy emanated from Kyler had Aaron’s cock thickening. He knew exactly what Kyler was going to ask. The thing was, even though he’d said he didn’t want to rush things, Aaron was no longer sure he wanted to wait.

  “I know you don’t want to have sex until you think I’m ready, but I would like to try something a little more…” Kyler seemed to search for the correct word as Aaron pulled into the driveway. “Intense.”

  Aaron silently thanked God for not making him tell Kyler no. Who was he kidding? He was thanking God for not allowing him to give in to his libido. There was no way he’d be able to say no to Kyler again when all he wanted was to make this sweet man his.

  “Anything you want,” Aaron said honestly. He wasn’t going to take sex off the table. He still believed it was best they waited, but he also wasn’t going to deny Kyler if he asked. “I think I have something that would be perfect.”

  The smile he received had Aaron’s heart racing as he got out of the truck and went around the front to Kyler’s door. He didn’t even hesitate to take Kyler into his arms and carry him into the house. It was what they both wanted. Where Kyler belonged.

  When he set Kyler back on his feet, Aaron kept him close for a kiss. He made it brief as he was excited to get started. “Go take a shower and meet me in the living room naked.”

  Kyler nodded. His eyes shone brightly as he said, “I won’t be long.” Then he was racing off to do Aaron’s bidding.

  Damn, but Aaron loved how responsive Kyler was.

  Smiling, Aaron headed into his room to shower himself. Thoughts of getting to touch all that smooth flesh again, had Aaron rushing. In no time, he dressed once more, heading into the living to wait on his sweet boy.

  The moment Kyler came toward him, completely nude, Aaron felt his body tighten. Aaron had been with a lot of men over the years, all experienced subs, yet never once did he remember wanting anyone as much as he wanted Kyler.

  “You are so beautiful,” he murmured as Kyler stepped right into Aaron’s arms.

  Not able to resist, Aaron captured Kyler’s mouth in a heated kiss that had him once more questioning his sanity for not just taking what Kyler was clearly offering. Before he lost what little control he had left, Aaron pulled back.

  “You nearly make me forget myself,” he told Kyler.

  Those sweet brown eyes Aaron had once thought plain, blinked up at him. “Would that be so bad?”

  No, it wouldn’t. Not that Aaron was going to tell Kyler that. “I think we should start the scene.” This time, he planned on giving Kyler a taste of the darker side of BDSM. Nothing too severe, but not as benign as having Kyler sit at his feet.

  “What is your safeword, boy?” He started every scene this way, even when Kyler sat at his feet. To Aaron there was nothing more sacred, or important, as a safeword. It was the reason he insisted it be repeated each time.

  “Dandelion,” Kyler told him.

  “Good boy. Are you ready?” he asked.

  Kyler’s voice was strong and clear as he answered. “Yes.”

  Aaron felt his lips lift upward as pride filled him. Kyler was a true diamond in the rough. Anyone who thought otherwise was a fool. Sitting down on the couch, Aaron patted his thighs. “I want you to drape yourself, face down, across my lap.”

  Those brown eyes looked into his for a full minute. Aaron could practically see Kyler’s mind spinning. He gave his little one the time he needed to make his decision. A smile that was as bright as the sun formed on those lush lips and, as if he suddenly realized he hadn’t moved yet, Kyler practically leaped onto the couch and did as Aaron had asked.

  Aaron helped Kyler get into position, letting Kyler’s cock jut in between Aaron’s thighs. Satisfied his boy was comfortable, Aaron said. “I’m going to give you ten swats. I want you to count them out.”

  He rubbed his hand across both pert cheeks for a moment before lifting his hand and swatting the right side. He smiled when Kyler let out a squeak of surprise. “You okay, boy?”

  “Ye-yeah,” Kyler stuttered even as his dick grew harder between Aaron’s thighs.

  “I didn’t hear you count,” he reminded Kyler.

  “Oh. S-so-sorry. One,” Kyler managed to get out.

  Aaron rubbed the cheek he’d just spanked, easing the sting. “Good boy.”

  Then he lifted his hand and repeated the process on the left side. This time Kyler moaned, his ass lifting up as if begging for more. “Two.”

  Aaron kept the slaps fairly light as this was Kyler’s first time, but he still made sure each one was felt. By the time he reached eight, Kyler’s dick was dripping with precum. The last two swats he made harder.

  In response, Kyler started pumping his hips, causing his prick to rub between Aaron’s thighs. Wanting Kyler’s first spanking to be as good as possible, Aaron allowed him to continue thrusting as his hand landed for the last time.

  A groan that sounded as if it was ripped from deep within Kyler rose up. Aaron’s cock twitched at hearing the heavenly sound. He was hard as a rock with no real stimulation to his cock. Then Kyler’s body jerked, his hips thrusting down, and heat sprayed Aaron’s legs as Kyler came apart in his arms.

  Damn, but that was hot.

  Aaron leaned back and unzipped his pants. He took hold of his dick and gave himself a couple of strokes before ropes of pearly white seed shot out to coat Kyler’s back and side. The sight of marking Kyler’s body had Aaron’s balls unloading even more cum until he was completely empty.

  He needed to take care of his sub, but Aaron couldn’t move after such an explosive orgasm. He just needed a minute, then he would move. Hopefully.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Kyler was floating as he finished another week at Nice ‘N Rosy. Coming to Cedar Falls had been the best decision he’d ever made.

  “Here’s your check for the week,” Jesse said as he handed Kyler his paycheck. “I added the sales from the arrangements you made for last week’s festival.”

  Kyler stared at the number on the check. Tears stung his eyes as his brain finally managed to comprehend that this was real. “I…” he had no idea what to say. This just didn’t seem possible. “Are you…” But again, he just wasn’t sure how to finish.

  He lifted his gaze from the check to Jesse. He was a bit blurry through the tears, but Kyler could see the smile on Jesse’s face. “Thank you,” he finally managed to get out.

  Arms went around him as Jesse hugged him. “You deserve every penny of that check. Thanks to you, my internet sales are going through the roof. If we keep this up, I may have to hire you an assistant.”

  Kyler felt his face heat up at the praise. Even though Jesse was exaggerating, it was nice to hear his boss’ praise.

  “I hope you can handle the rest of the orders. I have two phone conferences with Ryder this afternoon,” Jesse said as he went to the counter to grab his bag.

  Before Kyler could get out that he would be fine, Jesse was already out the door, waving bye.

  Kyler’s gaze went back to the check in his hand. Giddy, he had to share the news with someone and there was only one person he thought to call.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Aaron asked.

  Kyler took Aaron’s hand in his. “I’m positive. After everything you have done for me, you deserve this.”

  Aaron wasn’t so sure about that. Nor was he sure he liked that Kyler felt he had to do something like this for him. “There are other ways to celebrate.”

  But Kyler s
hook his head adamantly. “No. I want to do this. Please don’t ruin it for me.”

  Sighing, Aaron nodded. “Okay. But don’t blame me if you end up regretting it.”

  Kyler grinned at him. “I won’t, but I really want to try.”

  “Okay,” Aaron said. “Try it.”

  Kyler eyed what was in front of him nervously, but he didn’t balk. His little one flicked his gaze back to Aaron one more time before taking a deep breath. “Here goes.”

  Then he picked up the fork next to his plate and took a bite. The moment the curry hit Kyler’s tongue, his eyes got really big. Seconds later, tears formed and he was reaching for his water glass and gulping down the liquid.

  Aaron couldn’t stop from chuckling. After receiving his check, Kyler called him and insisted they go to Bliss to celebrate. Kyler wanted to do something nice for Aaron and he knew how much Aaron had loved eating there on their first date. He also had wanted to try something new to commemorate the paycheck.

  Aaron had agreed to the idea but had vocalized his reservations. He was fine with Kyler paying for dinner. It wouldn’t be cheap, but his little one deserved to splurge. Eating spicy food when he wasn’t used to it on the other hand, wasn’t exactly something Aaron would have recommended.

  When they cooked their meals at home, Aaron had added a few spices and Kyler never responded well to them. He either got an upset stomach or ended up not eating. “You okay?” Aaron barely managed to get out around his laughter.

  Kyler nodded without putting the water down. When he was done and clearly needed more, Aaron pushed his own glass over to him. “Here, have mine.”

  Kyler murmured a thanks before attacking his glass as quickly as he had his own. “Here.” Aaron pushed a plate of Naan bread over. “Have one of these. It will help.”

  Not until Kyler was done with the second glass of water did he put it down and grab the bread. Kyler was hilarious as he struggled to quell his burning taste buds. It took nearly three minutes for the tears to stop rolling down Kyler’s cheeks from that one little bite.

  “Are you ready to order something more bland now?” Aaron asked. He had tried to get Kyler to order two dishes, one spicy, one more bland in case he didn’t like the spicy dish, but Kyler had refused.

  Kyler’s head hung down as he nodded. “Yeah.” He sounded miserable, but before Aaron could console him, their waiter appeared with a pitcher of water. “How is everything, gentlemen?”

  “Actually, Kyler’s meal was a bit too spicy for him. Could we order the mild Chicken Biryani?” Aaron asked.

  Their waiter nodded. “Sure. I’ll put a rush on it for you.”

  When the waiter left, Aaron stood up and sat on Kyler’s side of the booth and took his boy into his arms. “You okay, little one?”

  Kyler shook his head, burying it against Aaron’s body as if trying to hide. Aaron wasn’t about to let that happen. He cupped one hand around Kyler’s neck and tilted his head up. “Talk to me.” It wasn’t a request and Aaron made sure his tone reflected that.

  “Can we just go?” Kyler asked with fresh tears in his eyes.

  “Not until you tell me what’s going on.” He hated making Kyler stay and talk, but he also wasn’t going to let him hide. Kyler had done enough of that in his life.

  “I just wanted this night to be perfect,” he whispered. “I thought, maybe, if I could show you that I could do something new, you might agree to make love to me. To make me yours.” Kyler’s voice faded on those last words but Aaron heard them. His heart broke and soared hearing them.

  Broke, because he hated that Kyler felt he wasn’t good enough again. Soared because Aaron loved knowing how much Kyler wanted him. It was time he returned the favor. “I think this night is perfect,” Aaron told him. “Any time I’m with you, my life is perfect.”

  A tear tumbled down Kyler’s face before he threw his arms around Aaron and held on tight. “I feel the same way,” Kyler whispered fiercely.

  “Good,” Aaron told him, holding on just as tightly. “Now, why don’t we get our food to go and head home so we can celebrate privately.”

  Kyler’s breath hitched. When he pulled back to stare wide-eyed at Aaron, he asked, “Are we going to have sex?”

  “Yes, little one. I plan to make love to you all night long until neither of can walk right.” If things went right, Aaron planned on them both calling in sick tomorrow. Now that Neil was his apprentice, Aaron could afford to take one day off and know there would still be someone there to take care of the customers.

  Even if he didn’t have Neil to rely on, a day off to spend with Kyler would be more than worth it.

  Chapter Twenty

  If Kyler had thought he’d been nervous that first time they’d done a scene, then he was terrified now. Aaron was actually going to make love to him. He wanted to pinch himself as it just didn’t seem real.

  It had only been a short time, but to Kyler it had felt like he’d been waiting for this moment his entire life. Just as they had for that first scene, Kyler’s thoughts became chaotic as they jumped around in his head from what if he was bad in bed to excitement that he was going to have sex with Aaron.

  When Aaron pulled in the driveway, he came around to Kyler’s door and pulled Kyler into his arms, just like he did every time they arrived home. The only times he didn’t carry Kyler to the door were if they’d gone to the store and had bags to carry inside.

  So why did this feel different than any of those other times? It was similar to that first day Aaron had brought him home. Kyler had thought himself fanciful to feel as if Aaron were carrying him across the threshold like a married couple at the time. Now? Now he wasn’t so sure that wasn’t exactly what was happening.

  Sure, they weren’t actually married, but at the same time, Kyler felt as if they were about to be joined in a way that was more than just sex. The way Aaron gazed down at him as he strode through the door had Kyler believing that Aaron felt exactly the same way.

  Aaron kicked the door closed behind them, and instead of putting Kyler down as he usually did, Aaron continued walking down the hallway until he reached his bedroom door. Kyler’s heart raced. He’d never been inside Aaron’s room, and now he was not only about to enter it, Aaron was going to make love to him there.

  But as interested as he was to see where Aaron slept, Kyler couldn’t take his eyes off of Aaron’s. It was as if their gazes were locked on each other, never to be separated.

  Slowly, Aaron lowered him to his feet, his body sliding along Aaron’s sensuously. He couldn’t help the shiver that coursed through him when he felt the hard bulge on Aaron’s groin pressing into him.

  “I love the way you respond to my touch, little one,” Aaron whispered as he stroked his hands down Kyler’s arms, and then to his waist to grab the hem of his shirt. Slowly, he lifted it, their eyes never breaking contact until the shirt was pulled off.

  Lips came crashing down on his the moment his head was free. Hard, demanding lips pressed against his forcing Kyler’s to open to his questing tongue. His senses reeled under the onslaught and Kyler had to place his hands on Aaron’s arms to ground himself.

  Air swept across his groin and Kyler’s mind raced to figure out how his pants had come undone. It wasn’t until Aaron broke the consuming kiss that Kyler’s brain came back online enough to understand that he needed to pick up his feet so Aaron, who now was kneeling before him, could take off his shoes in order to get his pants off.

  It all seemed way too complicated to Kyler, so he just followed what Aaron asked him to do. It was something Kyler had learned, to trust Aaron. Each night they had done a scene, some were quiet and Kyler just sat at Aaron’s feet absorbing each other. Other nights were more intense as Aaron taught Kyler the sensuous side of BDSM. But no matter what they did, Kyler came away with one truth, Aaron would always take care of him.

  When Aaron surged back to his feet, he captured Kyler’s lips again. The feel of his naked body against Aaron’s clothed one always turned him
on, but this time Kyler was desperate to feel Aaron’s skin against his own.

  Need flooded him and Kyler’s hands went to the hem of Aaron’s shirt. He started to lift it, but with them kissing, he couldn’t get it over Aaron’s head. Unable to talk, Kyler whimpered to convey his frustration.

  He whimpered again when Aaron broke the kiss. He may have wanted to feel Aaron’s body against his, but Kyler hadn’t wanted to stop the kiss either.

  Aaron chuckled as he whipped his shirt off. But instead of resuming the lip-lock as Kyler had hoped, Aaron kicked off his shoes and pushed his pants down his thick thighs.

  Kyler’s mouth watered when he saw Aaron’s shaft jutting out from his body. He had to taste. Dropping to his knees, Kyler leaned in and breathed deeply. Musk filled his senses causing fluid to drip from Kyler’s dick.

  “Fuck,” Aaron shouted out when Kyler sucked in the head.

  Intoxicated, Kyler bobbed further down to get more of Aaron into his mouth. Pulling back, he made sure to press his tongue along the vein.

  Aaron’s hands gripped either side of his head. “Damn, boy. Your mouth was made to suck my cock.” He loved the husky tone Aaron had. It made Kyler feel ten feet tall to know he was the one to make Aaron feel good.

  He continued to bob up and down for several minutes, but all too soon, Aaron was picking him up and Kyler was sailing through the air to bounce on the mattress. “You are way too good at that for me to last much longer and I refuse to come until I’m buried in your tight ass.”

  Kyler shivered at the heat that was coming from Aaron’s gaze as it traveled up and down his body. The drawer to the bedside table was opened and then a tube of lube and strip of condoms were tossed on the bed next to Kyler.

  The bed dipped as Aaron climbed up to lay beside Kyler. The rough callouses Kyler loved feeling on his body were back as Aaron stroked him from collarbone to groin. A shudder worked its way down his spine as goosebumps broke out over his body.