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Chiseled Wood [Cedar Falls 19] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 13
Chiseled Wood [Cedar Falls 19] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Read online
Page 13
Kyler cried out when Aaron leaned over and sucked in one of Kyler’s nipples. He could feel Aaron’s lips curve upward against his skin. “So sensitive,” Aaron murmured. “One day I’m going to see if I can make you come just from playing with your nipples.”
Kyler’s eyes rolled up into his head as Aaron bit down on the other nipple. His cock throbbed. Considering Aaron had only just started touching them, Kyler was pretty sure Aaron could make him come that way, but he didn’t want that. At least not right now. He wanted to feel Aaron inside of him.
“Please,” he begged.
“What is it, little one?” Aaron teased. “Do you want me to fuck this sexy body?”
Kyler couldn’t form words as one of Aaron’s hands wrapped around his cock and started stroking. His head thrashed from side to side as he desperately tried to stop the orgasm that was threatening to consume him.
Just as he thought he wasn’t going to manage to stop it, Aaron yanked hard on his balls. The pain lanced through him, keeping his need to come at bay, sort of. To be honest, the initial pain worked, but as his body absorbed the pain it made things worse. Kyler liked the ache too much.
Aaron chuckled again. “You are a never-ending source of surprises, aren’t you, boy?”
Kyler couldn’t have answered if he’d wanted to as a finger slid deep within his body. So lost in pleasure, he hadn’t even known Aaron had opened the lube.
There was a slight burn, but it quickly morphed into bliss. Needing more, Kyler thrust down onto the digit, driving it further into his body. He sighed when he got what he wanted and a second finger was added.
Aaron’s mouth took his once more as a third finger was added. The burn was more intense but Kyler hardly noticed as his body flew. Too many sensations were bombarding him, hurdling him closer to the edge.
He wasn’t going to be able to hold back his orgasm no matter how much he might want Aaron inside of him first.
“No coming,” Aaron demanded even as Kyler heard the crinkle of a wrapper being opened.
He wanted to plead with Aaron to hurry, but Kyler couldn’t make his voice work. The most that would come out were moans of sheer ecstasy. His body writhed beneath Aaron’s, silently begging for more.
He cried out when Aaron pulled his fingers free. It wasn’t fair. Kyler was right there. He’d just needed another second or two. That’s when he felt it. The blunt head of Aaron’s dick against his entrance.
His muscles stretched, the burn more intense than it had been with Aaron’s fingers as his prick was thicker. Kyler pushed out and Aaron thrust deep, burying himself to the hilt.
Tears of happiness sprang to Kyler’s eyes. All of his dreams had just come true. He knew in his heart he now belonged to this amazing man who for some strange reason wanted Kyler.
Aaron’s already dark eyes had darkened further as he stared down at Kyler with a look of possession. “You’re mine. Completely.”
Then he pulled his hips back until just the head of his dick was there inside of Kyler before thrusting deep inside of him once more. With each thrust into his body, Kyler welcomed him.
He was lost as his body soared into the heavens. With each touch, each kiss, each sweet word, Kyler felt himself coming apart until his orgasm crashed through him.
“Mine,” Aaron shouted once more before plunging into his body and freezing. There was no moment in Kyler’s life that could have prepared him for the sheer bliss that enveloped him as endorphins zipped inside of his body leaving him too tired to move.
But that was okay, for Aaron, as always, took care of him.
Chapter Twenty-One
“Okay, everyone, settle down,” Jesse said.
Kyler still wasn’t sure why he and Aaron were there. Kyler hadn’t been in Cedar Falls long enough to know what could be done to make the town better, and according to Aaron, he stayed out of town politics as much as possible. Still, even though neither of them had anything to contribute, Kyler had to admit to feeling honored to be invited.
“Unc Jesse,” Lily, Jesse’s niece, called out with her arms outstretched to be picked up by Jesse.
“I’m sorry, Lily, Uncle Jesse is working.” Even though he was denying picking up Lily, Jesse’s eyes shone with so much love for that little girl that Kyler found himself yearning for a child of his own.
It wasn’t something he and Aaron had talked about, mainly because it was way too soon in their relationship, but he hoped, one day, Aaron would be open to having a child with him.
“No,” Lily cried when Parker went to pick the little girl up. “I want Unc Jesse.”
Parker didn’t listen and picked her up anyway, causing her to shriek, “I say Unc Jesse.” When Parker didn’t put her back down immediately, Lily started kicking and hitting to get out of Parker’s arms. “Listen, Parker.”
Everyone there was laughing in some way, although most were trying to hide their humor as they didn’t want to encourage Lily. But when she said, “Put me down right now, Unc Parker, or I’ll tell Unc Jesse on you,” no one could contain their amusement.
Even Parker couldn’t hide his laughter as he did as Lily said. Parker shrugged at his glaring husband when Lily ran up to Jesse and tried to climb his leg to get into his arms. “What?” Parker said to his husband. “You’re the one who taught her to get what she wants.”
Kyler had gotten to know Lily pretty well as Jesse often had her in the floral shop when they were working. She might only be two, but her manipulation skills were some of the best Kyler had ever seen. She had the entire town wrapped around her little finger.
Jesse sighed, but his beaming smile as he picked his niece up contradicted his act of being irritated. It was as Jesse held his niece so they were both facing the crowd that Kyler read both of their shirts and laughed even harder.
Both of them wore bright pink with dark blue writing. Jesse’s said, “Admit it. Life would be boring without me,” while Lily’s said, “The sass is strong with this one.” It was obvious Jesse was turning Lily into a smaller version of himself. But it was Parker who truly deserved the credit for he looked at his husband and niece with nothing but love, even when the pair’s antics caused chaos.
“Okay, now that I have a mini-me, I’m ready to rule Cedar Falls,” Jesse joked. Even though she had no idea what Jesse meant, Lily started laughing, just like Jesse. It was so adorable.
When the amusement died down, Jesse said, “I would like to thank everyone for coming today.”
“You threatened to bug us night and day if we didn’t,” Ethan groused. “We didn’t exactly have a choice.”
When Jesse scowled at his friend, Lily copied him. “Shut it, Ethan, or I’ll sic Lily on you.”
Lily placed her little fist on her hip and increased the glare she was giving Ethan. “Be nice,” she warned Ethan, who nodded quickly to appease her.
“As I was saying,” Jesse said. “I appreciate everyone supporting me as I run for mayor of Cedar Falls. As most of you know, I’m looking into what it would cost to rebuild the building the tornado destroyed, along with adding a few more storefronts to increase the downtown area.”
There were several nods, along with many smiles. Now that Kyler was dating Aaron, he’d learned about the mayor keeping artisans out of the downtown area and why. He also knew, mainly because Parker was an artisan himself, that Jesse was determined to bring the artists back to the downtown area.
“Ryder and I have also started to search for a campaign manager and will be holding interviews in the next couple of weeks. I would like to set up a small committee, maybe with three or four of you, to help with those interviews.” Jesse moved Lily from one hip to the other before continuing. “I also need ideas for my campaign. Bringing more business into downtown is one, but if I’m going to win this election, I’m going to need your help in what the people of Cedar Falls feel needs to be done to make it a better place to live.”
“How about shutting down The Coffee House?” Flynn asked with a shudder.
r /> Kyler had been warned early on about Betty Sue’s coffee. Since he didn’t drink the stuff anyway, he hadn’t been in any danger of trying it, but according to everyone in town, it was disgusting. But because she was the mistress of the mayor, she hadn’t had to pay a lease.
“That I might be able to manage.” Jesse’s smile was downright evil. “I could enact a law that demands all food and drink be edible.” Jesse frowned as he thought about what he’d said. “Or, I guess for coffee it would be drinkable.” Then he waved a hand in front of him. “Whatever. The point is she wouldn’t be able to stay open since no one can actually drink her coffee without risking having their taste buds infringed upon.”
“Uh, Jesse,” Ryder said with a sigh. “You can’t actually do that.”
“Yes, I can. I’ll be mayor,” Jesse insisted.
Ryder seemed to be willing himself not to get upset as he said, “No, you can’t. Being mayor doesn’t give you license to do whatever you want.”
Jesse nodded his head vigorously with Lily copying him, causing her curls to bob around her face. “Yes, I can. Mayor Murphy does it all the time.”
“Yeah but you don’t want to be like Mayor Murphy, do you?” Ryder challenged.
Jesse opened his mouth, but then shut it. His bright pink lips turned downward in a frown and Lily put her hands on either side of Jesse’s face and said, “Don’t be sad, Unc Jesse.” Then she gave him a fierce hug.
Kyler found himself tearing up at the precious scene. The arm Aaron had around Kyler’s waist, tugged him closer so that Kyler’s head rested on his shoulder. “She’s adorable, isn’t she?” Aaron asked.
Kyler nodded when he couldn’t speak around the lump that had formed in his throat.
“One day, I hope we’ll have a little boy or girl of our own,” Aaron whispered in his ear.
Kyler’s heart stopped and he glanced up at Aaron to be sure he was serious. Hope filled him when he saw that Aaron meant every word. “Really?” he asked, needing Aaron to say he was.
“I would love nothing more than to have a family with you,” Aaron admitted. “What about you? Do you want kids?”
Kyler nodded. “More than anything.”
Aaron gave him a brief kiss. “Good.”
“Fine,” Jesse grumbled after hugging his niece back. “I won’t be like Mayor Murphy.”
Ryder smiled smugly. “Good to hear. As for The Coffee House, the situation should resolve itself as, without Mayor Murphy to exempt her from having to pay a lease, she won’t be able to afford to keep The Coffee House open when she is forced to pay rent.”
There was a round of applause, which seemed a bit odd to Kyler when they were talking about forcing someone out of business but then again, Betty Sue kind of deserved it. After meeting her, Kyler had to admit Jesse was right. She was a bitch.
Several more ideas were generated with committees formed to come up with plans to implement some of them. Kyler had no idea so much work went into running for mayor. It seemed mindboggling.
“There is one more item I would like to add to my platform,” Jesse said when things were winding down.
Ryder groaned, indicating he already knew what Jesse was going to say and wished he wouldn’t. But Jesse, being Jesse, once he had an idea in his head, there was no stopping him.
“I’m going to institute Big Foot day.” There were several more groans when Jesse made his announcement. “Every year we will have a festival in his honor. I’m hoping if we celebrate him, he’ll want to join in the fun and prove once and for all he exists.”
“That’s about as good of an idea as following the rainbow for a pot of gold,” Vicar said dryly.
Jesse grinned at Vicar. “Why thank you, Vicar. I knew one day you’d see things my way.”
Vicar shook his head. “Clearly I said it wrong.”
“Next time try using something he doesn’t believe in, like those aliens you think are real,” Flynn recommended.
“They do exist,” Vicar defended.
“Tell you what,” Jesse said. “When we meet Bigfoot, we can ask him.”
Kyler had to have missed something. Leaning closer to Aaron, he asked, “I know I don’t always understand what they’re talking about, but do they seriously believe in Bigfoot, aliens, and pots of gold?”
Aaron’s brown eyes danced with merriment. “Yeah. I’m afraid so.”
And they thought he was the weird one. He may not always understand their sarcasm but at least he didn’t believe in fairytales. The group continued to bicker about whether Bigfoot or aliens existed. That this was even a conversation had Kyler’s mind reeling.
“Want to get out of here?” Aaron asked, his lips brushing against Kyler’s ear and sending a shiver of desire through his body.
Now that he knew what sex with this man was like, Kyler was sure he’d always want to be alone with Aaron. “Can we leave?”
“If it means burying my cock in that pert little ass of yours, I’ll find a way to get us out of here.” Aaron’s words had Kyler’s dick straining to get free from the confines of his pants.
But he wanted more than just sex. Kyler wanted to know he was the center of Aaron’s universe. “Will you tie me up and spank me first?”
Aaron groaned, then nipped at the fleshy lobe of Kyler’s ear. “With an offer like that, no one has a chance of stopping us from getting out of here.”
That was just what Kyler wanted to hear. With his hand in Aaron’s, Kyler followed his Dom, just like he knew he always would.
“You’re not going to let me trip, are you?” Kyler already knew the answer, but he’d needed to hear Aaron’s voice reassuring him as he blindly followed Aaron’s lead.
“You don’t honestly believe I would let you get hurt, do you?” Aaron’s tone was hard and unyielding. They both knew Aaron would never allow a scratch on Kyler that he didn’t put there himself.
They had been together for three months and every day Kyler fell more in love with Aaron. He was learning to trust not only Aaron, but himself as they explored what each of them liked and needed in their relationship. More importantly, he was learning to ask for what he needed. “Maybe you could carry me,” Kyler suggested. “That way there is no risk.”
Aaron chuckled close to Kyler’s ear, sending delicious shivers into his body that went straight to his balls, making them roll in their sack. “If it will make you feel safe.” Strong arms lifted him and peace enveloped Kyler as he was settled securely against Aaron’s broad chest. “Better, little one?”
The affection in Aaron’s voice melted Kyler’s heart as he snuggled into Aaron. “Much,” he admitted. As far as he was concerned, Aaron’s arms were his favorite place in the entire world.
Long, steady strides took them to Kyler’s surprise. He had no idea what Aaron had planned, but Kyler wasn’t worried. Aaron was the most loving man he’d ever known. Not once had he disappointed Kyler with one of his surprises, which happened often enough to make Kyler feel like he was living in some kind of fairytale and Aaron was his white knight.
It wasn’t long before Aaron stopped and gently set Kyler on his feet. Much to Kyler’s pleasure Aaron kept his arms wrapped around Kyler protectively. “We’re here, little one,” Aaron whispered.
That was something else Kyler was growing to love more and more, being called little one. He still wanted to be called boy, but now, when Aaron used little one, especially as he just did, like Kyler was cherished, Kyler had to admit he craved hearing it just as much.
Kyler had thought Aaron was going to take off the blindfold, but he should have known better. Nothing was ever that simple with Aaron. Instead, Aaron’s hands went to the hem of Kyler’s shirt and tugged it up and off.
If it had been anyone but Aaron, he might have been worried about being stripped naked while outside. But there was no way Aaron would allow anyone to see Kyler’s nude body. Just two weeks ago, Kyler had finally felt like he had enough money to buy a new outfit from Below the Belt. Wh
en the pants he was trying on didn’t fit right, Macon had entered the dressing room to see what the problem was.
Aaron had nearly torn off the door to the dressing room and tossed Macon out for daring to see Kyler’s body. Not even Macon’s assurance that he had no interest in Kyler helped calm Aaron down. In fact, it took Kyler getting dressed again before Aaron stopped growling in outrage.
Needless to say, Kyler didn’t buy that pair of pants. Thankfully, Macon was good at what he did and had seen what the problem was and quickly managed to shove a few other pairs of pants into the dressing room for Kyler to try on while Aaron stood guard right outside the door.
So he had no reason to worry that, even though they were outside, anyone would see him as Aaron made quick work of taking off his clothes. Once nude, Aaron placed Kyler’s hands in front of him to rest on smooth wood. “Hold on to this.”
Kyler did as asked. The rough texture of rope skimmed along Kyler’s body, down his arms before it was wrapped around his wrists. Pleasure suffused Kyler’s body, his prick firming up as Aaron tied the first knot, securing the rope to Kyler’s wrist.
“Comfortable?” Aaron asked when he finished.
“Ye-” Kyler had to swallow to get the single word out of his now parched throat. “Yes.”
Aaron kissed the tip of Kyler’s nose before sealing their lips together in a heated kiss that had Kyler’s toes curling into the soft ground beneath his feet. He didn’t hesitate to open up to Aaron’s questing tongue.
Rough, calloused hands slid up the smooth flesh of his back to his nape. His head was tilted at a better angle for Aaron to deepen the kiss, leaving Kyler’s mind reeling as he sank into the sensations that were flooding him.
The other hand stroked the flesh of his abdomen, rising up to tweak his nipples. Kyler moaned into the kiss as the sting lit up his nerve endings. When Aaron twisted one of the nubs, Kyler couldn’t stop himself from pushing into the touch. It was too delicious not to want more.
“You are so fucking responsive,” Aaron said against his lips before diving into another kiss.